Sunstorm's love story! (She-cats) #2
Prologue: Redpaw sighed. Sunkit would be an apprentice soon, but by then he would be a warrior. It was Brackenpaw and Thistlepaw who got to share a den with the pretty she-kit. Sunkit bounced up to him. "Redpaw, play with me!" Redpaw purred. He made a moss ball and tossed it to her. "Throw it back when you catch it!" the game went on until Brackenpaw and Thistlepaw arrived from patrol. Moonpaw raced up to Thistlepaw and licked his ear, but he ducked away from her. She backed off, disappointment in her eyes. Thistlepaw gazed at Sunkit. Brackenpaw joined in the game, taking all Sunkit's attention. "You are no fun!" Redpaw stormed away. "But Redpaw..I just want to play with the pretty kit!" Brackenpaw called helplessly after the older apprentice. But Redpaw paid no attention. "You want more!"
Thistlefur rushed up to Moonheart, purring. "You're a warrior now! Does that mean we can be..mates?" he asked quietly. "Of course!" laughed Moonheart. "Now that you've got over your little mooning all over Sunpaw stage!" Thistlefur looked embarrassed. "Yeah, sorry about that. But you know I really love you, right?" "Always?" whispered Moonheart. Thistlefur nodded. "Always." Moonheart sighed, relieved. Redstar watched them. Thistlefur was out of the way in the quest for Sunpaw's affections, but Brackenpelt, the other new warrior, was now. He was only a new leader himself, he had been deputy for only a moon, and only because StarClan sent a sign that the youngest warrior be appointed. Notes: You are playing Sunpaw. 890 is the tom you got in the last part. You must have played part one!
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