Ineffablehusband's Profile

Joined on May 21, 2024
Status Level: Novice
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Ineffablehusband's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: We Are Pretty Similar 86%
I Can't Really Roast You Since Thats Like Roasting Myself. Ok You Probably Have Adhd And…"
1 -
"Your score is 55% 55%
Wow you are upper middle class you have nice holidays and some nice clothes but you aren't spoilt you…"
1 -
"Not even close!!! 90%
You are the lucky few who look good and know it. There may be a few lumps and bumps but you dont care and…"
1 -
"You have experienced about 36% of health issues.
You have experienced about an average amount of health issues.…"
1 -
"You would survive 100% out of 100%!
100%You Survived!! I congratulate you and welcome to the mansion as one of our own. You…"
1 -
"72 percent :DD"
1 -
"The 'Lestat' 86%
Taken from the movie (& book) character. Your vampire state is one of extreme enjoyment. You see nothing…"
1 -
I mean, its your standards so wutrver"1 -
"Your Result: Punk!!! 93%
Congratulations! You got punk! You love to do it loud and do it proud! You are proud to be different,…"
1 -
"Water that's so skibidi"