I_am_a_clod's Profile

Joined on May 1, 2020
Status Level: Novice
I_am_a_clod's Quizzes
- how similar are you to I_am_a_clod?[published: May 08, 2020]
how similar are you to me? take the quiz if you dare. I dare you bruh. COME AT ME I DARE……
- the clod meter: how CLOD are you?[published: May 06, 2020]
this quiz is just for fun. please don't find this offensive. also this is not going to be a……
- what type of gem are you?[published: May 03, 2020, 3 comments]
JUST TO CLARIFY- this quiz is not about the actual characters. its about the certain types of gems……
I_am_a_clod's Recent Posts
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I_am_a_clod's Recent Quiz Comments
0 -
"im sorry but I also agree"
In response to Iris104:
"First off, this quiz didn't even take your…"
-1 -
"0 PeRcEnT wInDcLaN. but I guess i cant argue with that"
1 -
"75! good considering I have not watched the show in like... a year. I abandoned netflix until the next season comes out."
1 -
"I wAnTeD cLoUd"
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"I dIeD nOoOo. the worst part is that I will forever be a kit in starclan. I really dont get why kits dont age in starclan but others do…"
1 -
In response to I_am_a_clod:
"wow this is accurate to the pint that its…"
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"wow. just... wow. thats all I can say"
1 -
"80 percent. wowie. I thought I would do much worse. I have watched every episode but my memory is kind of fuzzy on some of them lol."
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"r.i.p the possibility of getting my birthstone on this quiz because you don't have peridot."
In response to I_am_a_clod:
"as a steven universe fan i found myself reading…"