how similar are you to I_am_a_clod?

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how similar are you to me? take the quiz if you dare. I dare you bruh. COME AT ME I DARE YOU. TAKE MY QUIZ. DO IT JUST DO IT. ok I see you accept. this will not be easy.

now, m favorite steven universe quotes. "heck yes I am!"-pearl, 2019 "I sometimes like to watch you when you sleep... and by sometimes i mean often."-pearl, year I do not remember "wowie!"- spinel, 2019

Created by: I_am_a_clod
  1. do you like "steven universe"?
  2. if you do, what is your favorite character?
  3. dragons or unicorns?
  4. describe yourself. DO IT NOW.
  5. what is your preferred streaming service?
  6. what is your favorite color?
  7. video games vs tv
  10. do you watch flamingo?
  11. fate will decide now...

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to I_am_a_clod?

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