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Joined on Feb 5, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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"Your Result: You are Bisexual 89% You like both genders. Maybe you have a preference and this isn´t bad. You also may like both genders…"
In response to ghettobabe4ever:
"85% Pansexual. Honestly didn't expect that lol.…"
1 -
"Just another friday. :|"
2 -
"Your Result: You are Bisexual 89%
You like both genders. Maybe you have a preference and this isn´t bad. You also may like both…"
1 -
In response to Guns247:
"Your Result: You are Bisexual 89%
2 -
"Your Result: You are Bisexual 89%
You like both genders. Maybe you have a preference and this isn´t bad. You also may like both…"
3 replies2 -
"What gun suits you?
Your Result: Barrett M82 / M107 85%
resultThis is THE sniper rifle. You only have 10 rounds per…"