ghettobabe4ever's Profile

Joined on Apr 3, 2019
Status Level: Advanced
ghettobabe4ever's Quizzes
- In over my Head: part 6[published: Sep 04, 2019, 17 comments]
Hey people! Okay, I'm really tryna just fill in space so you can all ignore this stuff mainly.... I……
- In over my head: Part 5[published: Sep 04, 2019, 10 comments]
Hey people! Phew finally got the time to add this on here -- honestly using my laptop is SO much easier.……
- In over my Head: Part 4[published: Sep 03, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey again peopl! Oh wow, I've updated like.... a lot today! Update number four, here I come!!! Woohoo!……
- In over my head: part 3[published: Sep 03, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey people! Okay this is part 3! Woohoo! Ha, gosh it's actually pretty easy for me to update right now,……
- In over my head: Part 2[published: Sep 03, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey people! Just decided to add another part since it's pretty easy and all -- I already had everything……
- In over my head[published: Sep 03, 2019, 2 comments]
Okay, so, first things first -- I'm basically just recreating a story I wrote on another website, on here ( just……
- would i date you???[published: Jun 21, 2019, 21 comments]
Hey people okai so, I know I've already made a couple of these before, but I've changed a bit personality……
- How Well Do You Know Me?[published: Jun 11, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey people! So, do you think you know me very well? I guess we'll just have to see. ( sheesh, I barely……
- Survivor: Part One[published: Jun 11, 2019, 7 comments]
Hey people! Sorry it took me so long to get this part out. I've been really busy and all, so forgive me. I'd……
- Are you still laughing?[published: Jun 07, 2019, 9 comments]
Hey people. Okay, so this is going to be a one chapter story on the affects of bullying. If you can't……
- Surivor: The Prologue[published: Jun 07, 2019, 49 comments]
Hey people! First off, I'd like to thank my best friend -- Gage -- for helping me write this. ( he's the……
- A smidgen of Revenge: The finale![published: Jun 05, 2019]
Hey people! Okay, quick heads up. This is the end of this series. I know I JUST started it,……
- Heartbreaking isn't a crime, is it? : Part 6[published: Jun 05, 2019]
Hey people! First off, I'd just like to point out the fact that I finished the……
- Heartbreaking isn't a crime, is it?: Part 5[published: Jun 05, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey people! Okay, firsts things first. I'd like to dedicate this part to HL (……
- A smidgen of revenge: Part Three[published: Jun 04, 2019]
Hey people! So, this one will be in Sam's pov. If you haven't read the other parts, go do that……
- A smidgen of revenge: Part Two[published: Jun 04, 2019]
Hey people! So, this one will be a little different than the other two. This one is going to be……
- A smidgen of revenge: Part One[published: Jun 04, 2019]
Hey people! So, first things first, if you haven't read the prologue, go do that. Done? Good.……
- A smidgen of revenge :The Prologue[published: Jun 04, 2019]
Hey people! I literally just thought of this idea, so please tell me what you think! So,……
- nolongeraquizsowy[published: Jun 04, 2019, 1 comment]
Hey people! I decided I would be nice and go ahead and get this part out for you all! Nice of me, am i right?……
- *** If you read any of my series, take this***[published: Jun 04, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey people! So, as you may have noticed, I haven't really been able to make as……
- Fingers Crossed: Part One[published: Jun 04, 2019]
Hey people! What's up? Okay, first things first, if you haven't read the prologue, go do that now,……
- *** If you read my stories, take this!***[published: Jun 03, 2019, 1 comment]
Hey people! So, I know I haven't been writing as much as I used to -- please forgive……
- Heart breaking isn't a crime, is it? : part 4[published: May 31, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey people, so. Sorry it took me so long to get this out, but I've been very busy……
- Top 10 craziest fights ive been in[published: May 23, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey people! So, since I've already done a most embarrassing moments quiz thing, I decided to……
- Caught in a lie: Part one[published: May 22, 2019]
Hey people. First things first, if you haven't read the prologue yet, go do that first. Okay, done?……
- Top ten most embarrassing things to happen to me[published: May 22, 2019, 10 comments]
Hey people. First off, I'd like to give the credit for this idea to Weirdhead,……
- The Guardians Farewell: Grayson[published: May 22, 2019, 7 comments]
Hey people! So, I know I told you all this series was completely over and I was done with it,……
- Can you relate? *Sesame Street edition*[published: May 22, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey guys! So, I know I'd normally introduce the quiz and everything, but I'm a Lil in……
- Can you relate? * Disney edition*[published: May 21, 2019, 6 comments]
Hey people! So, I decided I might as well make a Disney one of these cuz.... Well, why not,……
- Can you relate? *school edition*[published: May 21, 2019, 9 comments]
Hey guys! So, first things first, I'd like to apologize for making this so long, but there's so……
- Do you like the same songs as me?[published: May 20, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey people. So, I dunno why I'm even making this. I guess cuz I'm really bored, a d as much as……
- Can you relate? *teen edition*[published: May 20, 2019, 5 comments]
Hey people! So, I decided to go ahead and make another one of these, but aimed at teenagers, and……
- Can you get 100% ?[published: May 20, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey guys! You'll have to bare with me. This started out as a test to see if you could get a hundred percent,……
- Are you more like Loki or The Joker?[published: May 18, 2019, 9 comments]
Hi guys! So, if you haven't noticed, lately I've had an obsession with villains, so I……
- What cat are you?[published: May 18, 2019, 1 comment]
Heya people! Have you ever found yourself wondering what type of cat you are? If you're like me, ya probably……
- What crazy random thing are you?[published: May 18, 2019, 9 comments]
Hey guys! Have you ever wondered what random thing you are? Most likely you haven't, but if you……
- Could we be Bff's ?[published: May 17, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey guys! So, do you think you have what it takes to be my bff? Let's find out! After I'm done filling up……
- Are you a Superhero or a Villian?[published: May 17, 2019, 7 comments]
Hey guys! Now, if you're anything like me, you've probably found yourself wondering if you'd……
- Dancing Alone: Part One[published: May 17, 2019]
Hey guys! I know, I know. I've been taking my sweet time, but ya know what they say -- best not to rush.……
- Would I date you? ( just me bein random)[published: May 16, 2019, 8 comments]
Ok, so, yeah. I decided to make another one of these, just cuz I felt like it lol. So,……
- Caught in a Lie: the prologue[published: May 16, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey guys! So, before you read the story, I'd like to give a small warning. *** WARNING*** this……
- ** Small Announcement for anyone who reads my stories**[published: May 15, 2019, 6 comments]
Hey guys! As you all PROBABLY know, I was planning on writing a story……
- Can you relate? ( lazy edition)[published: May 15, 2019, 13 comments]
Hey guys! Thought I'd go ahead and make this, since I'm sorta bored right now. Seriously, i……
- Are You Beautiful?[published: May 14, 2019, 17 comments]
Hey guys! So, as you can obviously tell, this is me telling you the brutal truth. Nah, I'm kidding! Trust me,……
- Would i date you? ( not accurate and not exactly real lol)[published: May 14, 2019, 66 comments]
Hey guys! So, you're probably wondering.... Why in the firetruck did……
- How well do you know me[published: May 14, 2019, 6 comments]
Hey guys! So, I know I've only been making quizzes for a month, at the least. I started on April third,……
- Can you put up with my stupidity ( pretty stupid jsyk)[published: May 13, 2019, 3 comments]
Hey guys! So, I really have no idea why I made this, I was bored so...……
- Heart Breaking isn't a crime, is it? Part 3[published: May 13, 2019, 3 comments]
Hey guys! It's BAAACCCKKKK!! Don't you just love the fact that I've brought this……
- All because of a Coke: part three[published: May 11, 2019, 18 comments]
Hey guys! So, just so you know, I'll only be doing this series for a little bit longer, since……
- Fingers Crossed: The Prologue[published: May 10, 2019]
Hey guys! So, as you know, this is my first horror story/romance, so lemme know what you think.……
- The Guardians Farewell: Evian[published: May 09, 2019, 13 comments]
Hey guys! So, sadly, this is the last part of this series! *sniff sniff* I'm not crying, n-nope.……
- The Guardians Farewell: Lucifer[published: May 09, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey guys. So, just a small warning, this one is going to be a lot different than the others. In……
- The Guardians Farewell: Daemon[published: May 09, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey guys. So, this one is definitely going to be one of those sad ones, so if you're sensitive,……
- The Guardians Farewell: Blaze[published: May 09, 2019, 3 comments]
Hey guys. So, I know I've been slacking off recently, and to make it up to you guys, I've made……
- We could write a bad romance: The Prologue[published: May 09, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey guys. So, I know I SHOULD be writing my other multiple series, but I couldn't……
- Dancing Alone: The prologue[published: May 08, 2019, 2 comments]
Hey guys. So, this is basically just the beginning of my new series, and I'm just trying to see if……
- The Guardians Fairwell: Zach[published: May 07, 2019, 11 comments]
So, hey guys! First of all, I'd like to specially dedicate this one to WeirdHead. They have been……
- The Guardians Fairwell: Castiel[published: May 07, 2019, 9 comments]
Hey guys! So, thought I'd go ahead and inform you on a couple things. I'm discontinuing a couple……
- ***IF YOU READ ANY OF GHETTOBABE4EVER'S SERIES, READ THIS***[published: May 07, 2019, 7 comments]
Hey guys. So, if you have read any of my series, it's important you……
- The Guardians Farewell: Louis[published: May 06, 2019, 15 comments]
Hey guys! Okay, so, this part is what will happen if you choose Louis. I hope you all enjoy it,……
- The Guardians Farewell[published: May 06, 2019, 6 comments]
Hey guys, so, just so you know, these next few parts will just be like, whoever you choose to love.……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 9[published: May 06, 2019, 19 comments]
Hey guys, sorry if this seems really rushed... ( it was) but, I'm hoping you all will forgive me,……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 8[published: May 04, 2019, 13 comments]
Hi guys! The next part of this, part nine, will lead up to the last serves of this, we're Angelica……
- justanotherthingidkwhattoname[published: May 04, 2019, 10 comments]
Hey everyone! Here's the second part of this! Please tell me what you think about it. I'll be……
- All because of a Coke: Part One[published: May 04, 2019, 8 comments]
Hey guys! So, this is part one of my new series. I thought I'd go ahead and introduce you all to……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 7[published: May 03, 2019, 9 comments]
Hey guys! Soo..... I'm only doing two... (yes, two) more parts to this. Sorry! But I Swear, There's……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 6[published: May 02, 2019, 8 comments]
***IMPORTANT NOTE***Guys.... I'm sorry to say I'll probably be cutting this series short. Shorter……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 5[published: May 02, 2019, 8 comments]
Hey everyone! So...... Yeah, I really don't got much to say, I'm sorta tired ( I only got an hour……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 4[published: May 02, 2019, 9 comments]
Hey everyone! So.... I'm just gonna warn you all, this series ( sequel thing) is going to be a lil……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 3[published: May 01, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey guys! So..... I know this one is a little short, but I swear the next one should be a little……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 2[published: May 01, 2019, 21 comments]
Hey everyone! Now, I know I haven't got to the action yet, but trust me, once we get past all of……
- Rise of the Guardian: Part 1[published: Apr 29, 2019, 10 comments]
Hey everyone! So, here is the sequel to ' The Guardian,' and in my opinion, it's so much better……
- The Guardian: Part 15[published: Apr 29, 2019, 7 comments]
Hey everyone!! So, I'm sad to say, this will be the last part of this series. NOT! I'll be doing the……
- The Guardian: Part 14[published: Apr 28, 2019, 13 comments]
Hey everyone! Ghettobabe4ever, here with part numero fourteen! So, I'd like to go ahead and announce this……
- The Guardian: Part 13[published: Apr 28, 2019, 8 comments]
Hey everyone! So.... I've decided to actually just cut this one short. I know I told you all I'd do like,……
- ***IF YOU READ 'The Guardian' READ THIS***[published: Apr 26, 2019, 7 comments]
Hey guys! This is just a little thing I need my readers to.... Well, read! This is……
- The Guardian: Part 12[published: Apr 26, 2019, 6 comments]
Hi guys! So..... You all are totally going to hate me if you are a Louis fan... I'm sorry! But it had to……
- The Guardian: Part 11[published: Apr 26, 2019, 6 comments]
Hi guys! ***SMALL ANNOUNCEMENT***I'll be finishing this series soon...... Like, there will only be nine or……
- The Guardian: Part 10[published: Apr 26, 2019, 8 comments]
Hey guys! So.... Shout-outs! First shout-out goes to Ericat, for reading this series, for commenting on it……
- The Guardian: Part 9[published: Apr 25, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey guys! This is a VERY important part to this series, and I'd like to dedicate to two very nice gtq……
- The Guardian: Part 8[published: Apr 25, 2019, 6 comments]
Hey guys! Okay I have a lot to say! First of all, this one is dedicated to WeirdHead. I'd just like to……
- The Guardian: Part 7[published: Apr 25, 2019, 21 comments]
Hey guys! Part seven here, so be prepared for anything! First off, I've decided to put all of my other……
- The Guardian: Part 6[published: Apr 24, 2019, 8 comments]
Hey guys! Part six is here! Lemme just say, this is going to lead up to some CRAZY stuff, so be prepared!……
- The Guardian: Part 5[published: Apr 24, 2019, 2 comments]
Okay, hey peeps. Wassup? Anyway.. This part, part 5, is definitely a shocker. Be prepared to be surprised.……
- The Guardian: Part 4[published: Apr 23, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey everyone! So, this is part 4 of this lovely quiz! Honestly I'm surprised I got it out so fast. I'm……
- The Guardian: Part 3[published: Apr 23, 2019, 6 comments]
Welcome to part four of this lovely little series! First off, I'd like to thank all of the people who read……
- The Guardian: Part 2[published: Apr 23, 2019, 2 comments]
Welcome to the second part of this story, sorry it took me so long. ( an hour, xD) the point is, I'm sorry,……
- If I Didn't Know Any Better... Part 8[published: Apr 22, 2019]
Hi guys! So, I finally decided to do that mash-up thing, with my two series "The downfall"……
- The Guardian: Part One[published: Apr 21, 2019, 7 comments]
Hi guys! Welcome to part One of this series! First things first, I'd like to thank everyone who has been……
- Would You Rather....[published: Apr 20, 2019, 6 comments]
Hi guys! So, here is my first 'Would you rather' quiz, requested by a user I totally forgot now..... Man. ……
- The Guardian : Prologue[published: Apr 20, 2019]
Hi everyone! This is the lovely Prologue to this series! I hope you enjoy it, I tried a different……
- A Life Unlived: Part 2[published: Apr 20, 2019, 2 comments]
Sorry this one is so short! My minds been going craz, thoughts bouncing around like crazy. I ended up……
- The DownFall: Part 6[published: Apr 19, 2019]
Hey guys! Welcome to part six! So, I know this sounds a little silly, but what would you guys think if I……
- If i Didn't Know any better... Part 7[published: Apr 18, 2019]
Hey guys! Part seven is here! So, at the end when you reach the results, you'll see I've……
- The DownFall - part 5[published: Apr 18, 2019]
Sorry! Sorry it took me a day. I've been having these awful headaches for the past three weeks and can't……
- A life Unlived - Part One[published: Apr 17, 2019]
Hi guys! Lexi here with part one of this lovely series! First things first, please give me some……
- A life unlived - prologue[published: Apr 16, 2019]
Hello people, and welcome to the prologue of my newest story! Quick warning! This may start out a……
- If I didn't know any better... part 6[published: Apr 16, 2019]
Hey people. So, sorry it took me a while to get this out ( a day. Don't hold a grudge)……
- The DownFall: Part Four[published: Apr 16, 2019, 1 comment]
Hey guys! Sorry I took so long, I wasn't feeling too great. I had this throbbing headache that wouldn't……
- If I didn't know any better... part 5[published: Apr 15, 2019, 4 comments]
Hi guys! **WARNING**this quiz is very upsetting, and if you are sensitive, it'd be best if……
- Could you put up with my stupidty?[published: Apr 14, 2019, 3 comments]
Hi guys! I've decided to try a new type of quiz ( for me, anyway.) Do you think you have……
- The DownFall: part 3[published: Apr 14, 2019]
Hi guys! Sorry this one took a couple days, I got really sick for a while and am just now feeling well……
- If I didn't know any better... part 4[published: Apr 12, 2019]
Hey people! Sorry it took me so long to get this out, GTQ was giving me a hard time.……
- The DownFall: part two[published: Apr 12, 2019]
Hey people! This is part two of this beautiful series! If you haven't read the prologue or part One, you……
- If I didn't know any better... part three[published: Apr 11, 2019]
Hey guys! This is my third part of this series and.... **spoiler alert ** this one is……
- The DownFall: Part One[published: Apr 10, 2019, 1 comment]
Hey people! What's up!? Tough crowd. *rolls eyes*So, this is my first part of this story ( besides the……
- The Downfall- Prologue[published: Apr 09, 2019]
Hey guys! This is the Prologue for 'The downfall'. I hope you enjoy it, and are able to notice my……
- If i didn't know any better... part 2[published: Apr 09, 2019, 1 comment]
Hiya! Okay, so, sorry it took me so long to make this one, but I've been very busy……
- If I didn't know any better... Part One[published: Apr 06, 2019, 4 comments]
Hey guys! It's me, GhettoBabe4ever, back with yet another love story quiz. Hopefully,……
- *** ANNOUNCEMENT*** if you read my love series, read this[published: Apr 06, 2019]
Hey Guys! So, if you happen to read my first series ( heartbreaking……
- heart breaking isn't a crime, is it? part 2[published: Apr 04, 2019]
Hey guys!! This is.part two of heart breakin isn't a crime is it? So, I'm hoping you……
- Do we look alike?[published: Apr 03, 2019]
Hiya boos! So, I'm sorta just making this for fun, so don't feel bad if we aren't exactly twins. Just know……
- Do we have anything in common?[published: Apr 03, 2019, 4 comments]
Heyyy guys! Do you think we could be alike? Who knows! Guess you'll have to take this baby and……
- heart breaking isn't a crime, is it?[published: Apr 03, 2019, 5 comments]
Heyo mayo! ( eww mayo * barf*) wassup boos? So, hope you enjoy this lil love story. It's a……
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ghettobabe4ever's Recent Quiz Comments
"XD yas lmao"
1 -
"ohhhhh wow really?
Ye -- sorry lmao, i forgot to get on here recently cos of the lag .-."
In response to Ericat:
"Lexi! I'm here!
I've been grounded for…"
1 -
"oh, hoi XD nice to meet you too :3"
In response to CreateGalaxy:
"Hey ghettobabe4ever. You don't really know me…"
1 -
"XD 84% yes :p"
2 -
"okai i'll do it in a bit"
1 -
"sure that'd work XD"
In response to Houndlover:
"Hey, want to put Was love the answer? on here…"
1 -
"Nah it's fine lol"
2 -
"Yeah, I mean... I used to be a church person when I was like... really, realllyyyyy little... like, 6 or so, but my grandpa died and…"
2 -
"Yeah, same. I mean, I might not exactly be the most religious person on earth (duh... we can all tell that) but my family mainly IS…"
In response to Wackogirl:
"Lol I promise you are going to do something…"
2 -
"0.0 i'll TRY to tone it down lol"
In response to Wackogirl:
"Lexiiii, no graphic scenes. plz. I very easily…"