Do we look alike?

Hiya boos! So, I'm sorta just making this for fun, so don't feel bad if we aren't exactly twins. Just know you're beautiful no matter what, and shine like the star you are.

Gosh, I'm usually not this nice, so be happy babes. I'm more of a Debbie Downer, not a Sally sweetheart. ( did I just make that up or is it a real thing?) XD

Created by: ghettobabe4ever
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. Eye color?
  3. Tall or short?5 ft 8 and up is considered tall btw
  4. Body size?
  5. Shoe size?
  6. Clothing size? Like, shirt size?
  7. Age?
  8. Short legs or long legs?
  9. Arm length?
  10. Okay, you, I know, this was short lol XD ciao Bella.

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