How Charli D'Amelio are you?

Girl before you go, remember that you are a beautiful shining star that glows every night in the dark! You do you girl, so don't let anyone try to change you!

And when you next make a TikTok, be yourself! Keep the positive vibes and tell your fans the same. Tell them that they shine like a star in the night sky.

Created by: PositiveVibes123
  1. How much Dunkin Donut coffee do you drink?
  2. How good are you at dancing?
  3. How long does it take you to learn a tiktok dance?
  4. Do you love your followers?
  5. Do you wear colourful stuff?
  6. Do you reply to begging fans who want you to say hi?
  7. do you put a lot of effort into your tiktoks?
  8. Do you enjoy meeting your fans?
  9. How positive are you?
  10. What type of username do you have?

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Quiz topic: How Charli D'Amelio am I?
