Guardian's Profile


Joined on Jul 8, 2020
Status Level: Experienced

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Guardian's Quizzes

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Guardian's Recent Posts

  • Silridge
    "A conversation between between two of my characters Ink: atomic please put on a shirt Atomic: b---- be glad im we"
  • Silridge
  • Silridge
    "Noo don't eat them"
  • Creations of VOID
    " Fini"
  • Frostbite
    "Name: Fracture Gender: genderless/but will refer to themselves as Male on occasion Race:fallen angel Age: *shrugs* "
  • Creations of VOID
    " Half done"
  • Frostbite
    "I might make a third character if thats ok owo"
  • Silridge
    "Fracture is to pretty"
  • Creations of VOID
  • Frostbite
    "Thank you I now want to draw little light running around carrying Ariana-"
  • No Title but
    "Lemniscate snickered a little at their attempts to pronounce his name " you can just call me Lem if its easier" he said calmly "its nice to ..."
  • ""
  • No Title but
    "Lemniscate flinched slightly at Akirarah's words, crossing his arms "thats a good point.... oh, we didn't introduce ourselves. I'm Lemniscat..."
  • Rp owo
    "Guardian frowned at that, seeming to be thinking, before eventually responding. "I guess I'll need to find a place to stay temporarily" Blue..."
  • "*comes charging though on his speeder and crashes into a hedge*"

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