greenldsgirl's Profile
Joined on May 6, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
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13-Year Club
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greenldsgirl's Recent Posts
"I go every Sunday!!!! :) 3 Hours, then 1.5 on Wednesdays! Not to brag, please do not be offended."
"I am committed too. :)"
"I am not a portestant, I am a Mormon (Christian)."
"Ok. Think of it this way. God gave us our bodies for our souls to be in so that we can come to Earth and prove ourselves. So, killing yourse..."
"I believe there is a balance. I think science helps to support and prove some things in religion, but is against some things. Enough said."
"Well, religious means that you care a lot about your religion, and really strive to follow it. To cuss and such doesn't mean you aren't reli..."
"Mormons believe in Adam and Eve, just to clear things up. I am a Mormon, and I do not believe in evolution."
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