germanmade's Profile


Joined on Jan 26, 2013
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
5K Quiz
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germanmade's Quizzes

  • How Depressed Are You?
    [published: Jan 27, 2013, 19 comments]

    Depression is a terrible plague among humanity, strictly of the mind. It affects us in many ways, sending……

germanmade's Recent Posts

  • Hoodoo
    "What do you think of it?"
  • "MCR is NOT an emo band. They're rock and roll, obviously. They don't succumb to stereotypes like you seem to. And all of their records were ..."
  • What would happen if...
    "I'm gonna go hug all of my fandoms now."
  • "Dude, I know!! I use emotes and talk in a "girly manner" all the time!!! I hate it when people assume I'm a girl..... Ugh."
  • Pokmon black rulz!
    "God Black is amazing!!! Oh my god UNF I LOVE N. Also, I loved Platinum, Heart Gold, Yellow too."
  • "What I don't understand is when people argue that homosexuality is unnatural. Who says its unnatural? Homosexuality is prove"
  • Hey guys
    "That's what we're doing now. Meanwhile, I'm looking for Pokemon stuff... Like, free stuff... I'M BROKE AND IT HURTS."
    "I really, really love Pokemon"
  • Hey guys
    "Sorry for any late replies. My cat's eye is infected and we're discussing what we should do.."
  • Hey guys
    "No, but I jumped out of a tree and fractured my arm..."
  • Hey guys
    "A, I would suggest punching a pillow instead..."
  • Hey guys
    "Yeah, I'm not that Elliott."
  • Hey guys
    "I think it's a double-eged sword tbf. It's good for everyone but you..."
  • bye uys :'(
    "If you need to talk, you can talk to me, Mew (:"
  • Hey guys
    "And if it makes things easier, you can call me Elliott."

germanmade's Recent Quiz Comments

  • "to be frank, I thought there would be like five different results that all ended up like "Yes" "YES!" "TOTALLY MAN!!!""
