Diapeegal36's Profile

Joined on Aug 25, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
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Diapeegal36's Recent Quiz Comments
"I have to pee realllly bad right now, I've been potty dancing for like 10 minutes. I think I might just let go now... That feels much…"
1 -
"I just finished going potty in my diaper, I really need to get changed (^_^)"
1 -
"Good job on making your diaper all warm and wet ^_^"
In response to Somebody28384737:
"Omg I did this in a diaper and it leaked so…"
2 -
"I really have to pee but the quiz said I don't have permision to go to the bathroom! Can you at least give me permision to pee my…"
1 -
"I wet my diaper at the end ^_^"
1 -
"Good girl for wetting your pants. Accidents happen sometimes ;)"
In response to BabyCF:
"This quiz was very hard, I wet my pants on…"
4 -
"It means you hold it until you wet yourself. You might wanna put on a diaper for that ;)"
In response to ScottStarrs:
"Hi, I Got Damp. I Nearly Fully Peed My Pants,…"
3 -
"Near the end I couldn't hold it anymore so I just sat down and soaked my pull up, it even leaked a bit:)"
1 -
"I really had to go so I just relaxed, spread my legs and peed my diaper. It's all warm and wet"
1 -
"Good job, I'm happy for you soaking yourself"
In response to Slothlover7:
"I got a 90% and am about to pee! I'm pee pee…"