Try not to Pee yourself

Try not to pee? Not as easy as it might seem! I hope you pee and i win! but if not i hope you don't hurt your bladder. Sorrrryyyy I hope you are okay with that

I just was getting started with this quiz if it doesn't work try doing it with a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/parent/whatever and if they pee. GREAT i mean not great but you know what i mean

Created by: Toaster
  1. How bad to you have to pee
  2. Try to slowly stop holding your pee
  3. Go walk into the bathroom take off both pants and whatever is under them, and then poor down cold water then warm water onto your bladder
  4. Lay down and relax, press down on your bladder once every 20 seconds for 2 minutes. How do you feel afterwards?
  5. Think of this : You are alone in a park with tons of kids around, But you gotta pee. No bathrooms can be found and you're losing hope. do you.. (doesn't effect score unless you peed)
  6. Go watch Youtube for some "Try not to pee" Videos of waterfalls (close to it being over)
  7. press your bladder as long as you can what do you feel?
  8. go sit on the toilet with your pants and panties on relax everything and sit there for 2 minutes what do you do
  9. Lay down and spread your legs... relax.. feel the nice warm pee drizzling down your legs... Feel the relief...
  10. Try this test with a friend did they pee?

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