Are you allowed to pee (extreme)

Try not to think about water! In this quiz you will have to hold your pee through many challenges, and see if you’re allowed to let it all out. Don’t try if you have a small bladder.

Have already started holding? You’re on your way to finally being allowed to gush all that hard work down a toilet! Or onto the floor. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Sara
  1. How badly do you need to pee?
  2. How long have you been holding?
  3. Is your bladder bulging?
  4. Do 30 jumping jacks. How do you feel?
  5. Spread your legs out and listen to calming water fall music. And, not holding yourself. After 1 minute, how do you feel?
  6. Bulging: put something heavy on you bladder, spread your legs, and wait for 30 seconds. No bulge: repeat number 5. How do you feel.
  7. Listen to calm water fall music and wait 1 hour. How do you feel.
  8. I know you sitting on you bed, shaking and crying, trying to keep every drop of relief in there, but. Imagine how GOOD it would feel if you got to pee? The relief, the sigh, the sound, and how you can’t yet. How do you feel?
  9. Walk up and down stairs 3 times. How do you feel?
  10. Drink 3 glasses of water, do 15 jumping jacks, then press you bladder in slightly and leave it that way for 15 seconds. How do you feel?
  11. Wait…
  12. Just a little more. And, why not push on that bladder.

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Quiz topic: Am I allowed to pee (extreme)

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