The First (emo) Kiss

Love is a hard thing.. holding on to it can be easy or rough.. but this is just a quiz.. and AWSOME.. EXOTIC.. SWEET MYTICAL QUIZ!!!! ... anyway xD i hope you like my quiz!!

i hope you like the quiz i hope you like the quiz i hope you like the quiz i hope you like the quiz i hope you like the quiz i hope you like the quiz i hope you like the quiz

Created by: rubyring123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up at midnight and hear howling out your window.. Your still a little grougy from your nap but you get scared from the howling because you think a wolf is outside you house! you quickly wake up and grap a weapon-- What do you get?
  2. You walk outside with (a weapon) in your hand.. you see something on a hill so you run up and hide.. the thing sees you!! youre so freaked til you pass out; when you wake up you end up in your living room! (WTF) so you get up and grab (your weapon) and run up stairs then suddenly- four boys about your age come outta the closet!!!!! whats your reaction?
  3. When you see them you cant beleive how beatiful they are.. the first one is tan and has black hair and grey eyes - the second one is pale with black hair and bright purple eyes - the third one is tan (also) and has bright orange eyes and dark brown hair - the last one has dark brown hair (also) and has exotic white eyes and is a pale-ish color.. which one do you like?
  4. You ask "who are yall? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" The purple eyed boy says: "calm down.. we just need to talk to you" you notice how old-timey his voice sounds.. its addicting
  5. "Listen (your___name), i need to tell you something important!" says Janam.. "okay??" you say.. "instead of saying.. ill show you-" before you even blink.. janam has transformed into a black werewolf .. after a few seconds he transformed back into his human form "WOW..." you say with wide eyes O.O ~ after that logan walks up and leans toward you ... then you feel his cold breath on your tense neck.. what happens?
  6. you pass out before he bites you but you hear all this commotion while you sleep (weird..) then liam rushes over to wake you up and a min or 2 later you wake up in a hurry and all you see is.. Janam holding Logan down- Haun in TERRIBLE shock- and liam hovering over you waiting for you to wake up.. what are you thinking?
  7. You hop outta bed and everyone stops what theyre doing and stares at you as you scream, "STOP RIGHT NOW!!!!! I know i JUST met you all! but i need to know more...all right ive got this- Janam is a werewolf and Logan is a freakin vampire!! what are Haun and Liam???" "_______ Calm down! but we will tell you ourselves... first- im a.. a.. fallen angel" he stutters... "and im a.. well.. im a dragon!.." Haun replies "WHAT THE HELL AM I MISSING HERE?!?" you say.. Janam gets off of Logan and walks to you slowly "dont worry.. i have some GOOD new for you now, you have a special power to.." (says janam) "but i have some bad news for you and to esplain why we are here" logan explains "what is that??" you wonder.. (logan)- "some one is coming after you so we have to protect you from her.. her name is Exaliyus" "Exaliyus?" you say.. "yes~" they all say.. what are you thinking?
  8. "its almost 2am.. we should give her some rest" explains Haun.. "yeah.. we should" says liam as everyone but him walks out.. "_____, i want to talk to you alone.." you sit on your bed as liam talks to you... "yeah liam?" you reply "i just want to say.. i-i-i like you....~alot; " he stutters "really?" "yes.. and i want to try something.." he sits on the bed right next to you and leans forward very slowly.. you lean forward even slower than he does..he says "dont move.. just relax.." *silence* (omg...) then Logan walked in telling liam "hey liam are you coming downst- WHAT THE HELL?!!?" you and liam jump up as you brush your fingers thru your hair then liam says "uh... im just.. ju- leaving..." o.O "and i was just going to bed- urr...." you say then look at liam.. "im not buyin it!! cmon liam.." say logan.. Haun walks in saying "whats going on up here?!!" "nothing!.." replies logan as he grabs liams arm and drags him downstair as haun follows.. you whisper "ohmigosh.. liam
  9. Did you like my story quiz?
  10. Last question... Which one do you like the best??

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