Do you really need a diaper change

Here is a quiz to see if you need a diaper change or not depending if you want one so take this quiz and see how badly you need one or you might still be a bit dry

This is my first quiz so don't judge I hope you like it have fun and find out your score on if you need a diaper change I know how bad my diaper is and I don't even need to take this quiz

Created by: Corey Pullar
  1. Does your diaper feel wet or messy
  2. When was your last diaper change
  3. Who changes your diaper
  4. If someone else changes your diaper how do they change it
  5. Is your diaper full of pee/ poop or both
  6. Do you feel runny,messy,wet,dry,
  7. Where do you get your diaper changed
  8. What was your last diaper like
  9. Does your diaper feel warm
  10. When was your last diaper check
  11. What type of diaper are you being changed out of
  12. What diaper do you want to be changed into
  13. Do you get to choose who changes your diaper
  14. If you wear clothes after your diaper is changed if so what
  15. Do you require a diaper change while
  16. Do you want someone to change your diaper
  17. Do you want a diaper change
  18. Do you get your Diaper changed in public
  19. Have you pooped/ pee or both during a diaper change
  20. Do you have your diaper changed in a nursery or any room in the house
  21. Did you like this quiz
  22. Do need a diaper change after this quiz

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Quiz topic: Do I really need a diaper change

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