Who is your discord waifu?

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This is a very serious and life-changing quiz that will forever determine who your soulmate is meant to be and you should change the course of your life

depending on the sovereign results of this scientifically proven and divinely given internet quiz. Never forget what you have learned here today, never.

Created by: Faye
  1. I am looking for a partner that is...
  2. It's Saturday night! You ask your crush to join you for...
  3. I want my partner to be...
  4. I want a partner who...
  5. and who also...
  6. I DON'T want a partner who...
  7. and who also...
  8. I'm attracted to people that dress...
  9. What is your astrological sign?
  10. What is your favourite season?
  11. Your partner doesn't want any pets. You are...
  12. Your partner doesn't want any kids. You are...
  13. I expect my partner to be financially...
  14. Sexually, I want a partner that is...
  15. I'm okay with my partner...
  16. I have a gender preference for...

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Quiz topic: Who is my discord waifu?
