coconinama's Profile

Joined on Jan 16, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
coconinama's Quizzes
- Honers English 9 TKAM vocab.[published: Apr 15, 2013]
These are just the ones that are the hardest for me. I would strongly suggest studying more than……
- Which MCR Member Are You Most Like?[published: Feb 16, 2013, 1 comment]
I'm bored. Comment, Rate, whatevs. MCR is an amazing band! I made another quiz about……
- Which MCR member do you most resemble?[published: Feb 11, 2013, 5 comments]
Ok, so. I did not include Bob (sorry don't kill me). Also this is only superficial, so……
- Hogwarts Romance pt 8[published: Jan 28, 2013, 2 comments]
Hey guys! got this one out early because the last one was so late....and cause i felt like it, but……
- Could you be my friend/bf?[published: Jan 27, 2013]
just going to basically copy the model :P There are many people in this world, but few could be my……
- Hogwarts Romance pt 7[published: Jan 20, 2013, 1 comment]
it has been such a long time. so much for one a week! ugh. i have excuses though! dance, school, EXAMS! ……
- Hogwarts Romance pt 6[published: Jan 02, 2013, 3 comments]
HEY! PART 6 IS HERE!!!!! yeah, just stating the obvious, well, it's a great way to use up characters, and……
- Hogwarts Romance pt 5[published: Dec 29, 2012, 1 comment]
Well, here you go! Part 5. Sorry it's a bit late, I meant to have it out Wendsday or Thursday, but that……
- Hogwarts Romance pt 4[published: Dec 24, 2012, 2 comments]
Hey! so, this is pt.4, obviously. This is all about you and Jake, but there will be future parts with……
- What Article Of Clothing Are You?[published: Dec 20, 2012, 2 comments]
I was bored and I asked my brother what quiz I should make and this is what he came up with. ……
- Hogwarts Romance pt 3[published: Dec 20, 2012, 2 comments]
So, here is the third installment of my series, I hope it isn't too bad. Trying to get you more scenes……
- Which of my friends are you most like?[published: Dec 17, 2012]
I'm really bored, but hey...why don't you see ho of my friends your most like. They're……
- Hogwarts Romance pt 2[published: Dec 16, 2012, 5 comments]
I hate writing these things, but anyway...This is the whole feast scene with a little extra scene too :) ……
- Are you an elf?[published: Dec 15, 2012]
Elves are awesome, just like Christmas! Short, happy, excited! santa's little helpers! I've always wanted to be……
- Hogwarts Romance pt 1[published: Dec 15, 2012, 6 comments]
You are a fourth year at Hogwarts (It is after HP, if you wanted to know). So far there are 3 guys to……
- which character from 'the thief lord are you?[published: Apr 10, 2011, 2 comments]
i did this cause i was bored, but i hope you still like it! it was fun making it……
- how much are you like me?[published: Apr 10, 2011]
there are many different people, but many have similarities. see how much you are like me!so...have……
- would you fit into my group?[published: Apr 09, 2011]
would you fit into my group?would you be my friend? see if you would with this quick quiz!my……
- what is your favorite season[published: Apr 02, 2011, 2 comments]
my quiz is about what your favorite season is it asks a series of questions. ……
- what ballet shoes charactor are you?[published: Mar 12, 2011, 2 comments]
There are three main charactors in the book Ballet Shoes, Pauline, the oldest,Petrova, and……
- what hp character are you?[published: Jan 22, 2011, 4 comments]
which harry potter character are you?find out by answering a few questions!will you be……
- who is your godly parent2[published: Jan 17, 2011, 2 comments]
have you ever wanted to know who your godly parent is?or if you are even a half-blood?well, now you……
- stupidly fun quizz[published: Jan 17, 2011, 3 comments]
this quizz is fun and a way to kind of get to know me even thuogh you don't know who i am. its funny and……
- who is your godly parent?[published: Jan 16, 2011, 2 comments]
do you want to find out who your godly parent is? do it now with this quiz! i spelled some words wrong……
- what do tou know about the book hoot[published: Jan 16, 2011, 1 comment]
how much do you know about hoot? you should be able to answer many of the questions if you……
coconinama's Recent Posts
"Logan Lerman (only because we're closer in age) painting or poster?"
"So many! but ill just say a couple -a fault in our stars by john green -the rose labrynth"
"im also working on a series called 'Hogwarts Romance' please check it out if u like that stuff!"
"natuhleegale: hogwarts love story, one direction love story, life in the hunger games. her stuff is AMAZING!!!!"
"The Tapestry series Legend The Missing series H.I.V.E series Lord of the rings series (for fantasy, its kinda bo"
"sounds pretty cool..."
"lose all intelligence. it would e terrible not to feel anything! only celebrate Halloween or only celebrate Thanksgiving?"
coconinama's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yellow! the energetic part describes me very well :P"
1 -
"I attract artsy people!!! so happy :P"
1 -
"says I have ADD, I actually have minor ADHD lol"
1 -
"Baby Nathan!! :P"
1 -
"wanted dauntless, but amity is actually more like me :P"
1 -
1 -
"glad y'all enjoyed it :D"
1 -
"Hermes! :D"
1 -
"60% I'm actually pretty proud of myself :)"
1 -
"I really liked it! Got what I usually do :D"