What Article Of Clothing Are You?

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I was bored and I asked my brother what quiz I should make and this is what he came up with. I hope it's not too terrible because I tried to make it somewhat decent.

Just answer these question to see what article of clothing you are most like, metaphorically speaking :) comment if you have ever played the game 'metaphorically speaking'!

Created by: coconinama
Personality Test
  1. Are you necessary for the dynamic in your friend group?
  2. Are you short or tall?
  3. Do you like wearing clothes in many different colors/ styles.
  4. Are you stubborn?
  5. Do you like being in charge?
  6. Which of these is your favorite to wear?
  7. Are you easily pushed around or swayed by your friends/other people?
  8. Do you write/ draw on your hands?
  9. Do you like being well covered?
  10. Do you change your mind a lot?

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Quiz topic: What Article Of Clothing am I?