chopinssonata's Profile

Joined on Aug 2, 2012
Status Level: Senior
chopinssonata's Quizzes
- Before You Say Goodbye (finale)[published: Jan 06, 2014, 1 comment]
Been quite a while since I last did this. But anyway, I can't remember if I posted the last……
- The Girl Who Lived part 54[published: Dec 09, 2013, 8 comments]
HI PEOPLE! I know that it's been SUCH a long time since I've really written anything. Although,……
- The Girl Who Lived part 53[published: Oct 27, 2013, 1 comment]
Hey guys, been a while since I last update which I do apologise for. Although, I bet with the……
- The Girl Who Lived part 52[published: Oct 13, 2013]
What's up guys? Now, it's time to get SIRIUS!SIRIUS!SIRIUS! Nothin like a Harry Potter meme or……
- coming soon...whenever[published: Oct 12, 2013, 2 comments]
Anyway, so I think we both (whoever's on the other side of the computer screen and I) can agree that it's……
- The Girl Who Lived part 51[published: Sep 29, 2013, 2 comments]
Hey guys, barely had enough time to write this, so here it is. The producion of my quizzes might……
- The Girl Who Lived part 50 (part 2)[published: Sep 22, 2013, 2 comments]
WARNING: This is a multi-answer quiz like the last one. Although, I really just reused all……
- The Girl Who Lived part 50 (part 1)[published: Sep 22, 2013, 3 comments]
ATTENTION READERS: So, this is a multi-answer quiz. I put the effort into this, so you……
- The Girl Who Lived part 49[published: Sep 17, 2013, 4 comments]
Hey, so scratch my "I will update about every weekend" I have no idea when I will be busy and when I……
- The Girl Who Lived part 48[published: Sep 16, 2013, 3 comments]
Yeah, so I've realised that my writing has gotten a lot weaker since earlier in the story. So, to……
- The Girl Who Lived part 47[published: Sep 15, 2013, 5 comments]
BAH!!! I've been writing ahead and it turns out that this will continue till at least chapter 52.……
- Prison Break part 5[published: Sep 08, 2013]
I decided to post this since I felt a tad guilty for posting The Girl Who Lived and not the other story that……
- The Girl Who Lived part 46[published: Sep 08, 2013, 3 comments]
So, I normally won't post this often unlss I know for sure I won't be able to post for a while. But,……
- The Girl Who Lived part 45[published: Sep 06, 2013, 3 comments]
Hey guys, been a while since I've written. Not that long ago but still more than a week. I have……
- Prison Break part 4[published: Sep 06, 2013]
So I guess it's been quite a while. I missed one week of writing, but I figured that since I had 2 stories……
- Prison Break part 3[published: Aug 24, 2013]
Part 3 is here. I hope you enjoy this part to the story. Well, I pretty much hope that you like all the……
- The Girl Who Lived part 44[published: Aug 23, 2013]
Been a while since I updated so I figured that while I had some spare time from writing that I would……
- The Girl Who Lived part 43[published: Aug 17, 2013, 6 comments]
@music826 I heard (read) that you were leaving GTQ so I really wanted to say a goodbye on one of my……
- Prison Break part 2[published: Aug 17, 2013, 1 comment]
IMPORTANT INFORMATION. ONE: as long as the story gets more continues than discontinues, then the story will……
- Prison Break part 1[published: Aug 12, 2013, 1 comment]
- The Girl Who Lived part 42[published: Aug 03, 2013, 4 comments]
yo peeps, how is it hanging? I hope you are enjoying this part because it hurts my back to sit in……
- The Girl Who Lived part 41[published: Aug 02, 2013, 4 comments]
hey guys I finally found some inspiration for my writing on my weeks of leave. I believe that I have……
- The Girl Who Lived part 40 (end of year 2)[published: Jul 06, 2013, 4 comments]
As I had said in my last chapter, I have posted part 40 today which is the last part……
- The Girl Who Lived part 39[published: Jul 05, 2013]
Hey so I did put up this chapter up today instead of tomorrow because I happen to be a lot busier……
- The Girl Who Lived part 38[published: Jul 05, 2013]
The encounter with Tom Riddle is over for now but, there's so many different things that could happen……
- The Girl Who Lived part 37[published: Jul 05, 2013]
AS promised, part 37 is out today but no promises on the other three. Congradulate mee, I finally……
- The Girl Who Lived part 36[published: Jul 05, 2013]
This is probably the biggest cliffhanger in year 1, so go ahead and read to find out. It might also……
- The Girl Who Lived part 35[published: Jul 05, 2013]
So, I'm getting very close to part 40 but there's still 5 whole entire chapters until the whole……
- The Girl Who Lived part 34[published: Jul 04, 2013]
Happy 4th of July all. Got a new phone which made today more wonderful than it usually is. I got a……
- The Girl Who Lived part 33[published: Jul 04, 2013]
Hey guys, part 33 is here and so will part 34 in a few minutes and possibly even 35 minutes after……
- The Girl Who Lived part 32[published: Jul 04, 2013]
Part 32 is out! I have already written up to part 40 and there are 2 longer chapters (not that long……
- The Girl Who Lived part 31[published: Jul 03, 2013]
So, part 31 is pubished and out. It is rather short compared to my longer quizzes, but I prefer for……
- The Girl Who Lived part 30[published: Jul 02, 2013, 1 comment]
So, chapter 30 is finally here. Gosh, it hasn't even been a year for me as a writer and I've already……
- The Girl Who Lived part 29[published: Jul 01, 2013, 1 comment]
Well, I am almost to my 30th chapter and I'm still only in the 2nd year and I wasn't even planning to……
- The Girl Who Lived part 28[published: Jun 30, 2013, 1 comment]
Part 28 is out! One day closer to my leaving in 6 days, the countdown begins. I'd like to pause this……
- The Girl Who Lived part 27[published: Jun 29, 2013, 4 comments]
Hey guys, so I won't be able to really write for a long period of time, you could consider it as a……
- The Girl Who Lived part 26[published: Jun 21, 2013, 2 comments]
Hey guys, so I want to thank the 10-15 viewers I have on this site, Firstly, I'd like to thank……
- The Girl Who Lived part 25[published: Jun 17, 2013, 3 comments]
Here's chapter 25. It could have been written a lot better with more details and maybe that other……
- The Girl Who Lived part 24[published: Jun 17, 2013]
It's driving me crazy that on wattpadI have only 29 votes and not a single one on this story. Plus, I……
- The Girl Who Lived part 23[published: Jun 02, 2013]
I realize that I've been stretching out the sequence of events within the story by a lot. I think……
- The Girl Who Lived part 22[published: May 19, 2013]
Anyway, here's chapter 22. I think my next break point will be the 35th and then after that, it will……
- The Girl Who Lived part 21[published: May 13, 2013]
I'm back. Anyway, there isn't really anything new. I was hoping to stretch out my long break for a……
- Another story option[published: Apr 28, 2013, 1 comment]
Okay, So I came up with this whole new idea. Since I haven't posted anything in several weeks, I have……
- The Girl Who Lived part 20[published: Apr 06, 2013, 7 comments]
After several hours of being in complete solitude, listening to music and other fun stuff for about a……
- The Girl Who Lived part 19[published: Apr 06, 2013]
So, you've been waiting for this to come out. Anyway, I think its kind of sad that it's chapter 20……
- The Girl Who Lived part 18 (revised)[published: Apr 06, 2013]
Gosh, writing this much in one inning can get pretty tiring but, I want to prove that if I……
- The Girl Who Lived part 17[published: Apr 05, 2013, 1 comment]
so, hey guys. This is it. Almost to the 20th chapter. I have to speed things up to the second year.……
- The Girl Who Lived part 16[published: Apr 05, 2013]
So,I am happy to announce that one of my favorite quiz makers on GTQ is not leaving the site. She……
- The Girl Who Lived part 15[published: Apr 04, 2013, 3 comments]
I'm sad to say that one of the GTQ users who has been with me since the beginning of my writing on……
- The Girl Who Lived part 14 (end of year 1)[published: Mar 30, 2013, 2 comments]
Hey guys, so this is the end of year 1. You guys may be upset that I only have 5 or 6……
- The Girl Who Lived part 13[published: Mar 30, 2013, 1 comment]
I've been thinking and whoever read the last comments page from my previous quiz knows what it is. I……
- The Girl Who Lived part 12[published: Mar 30, 2013, 3 comments]
Hey guys. Been a while, is in a couple of days. Anyway, I was up last night hurrying to get the……
- The Girl Who Lived part 11[published: Mar 27, 2013, 1 comment]
So, I am already starting to plan out the ending of it. Anyway, I can't wait to jump into year 2.……
- The Girl Who Lived part 10[published: Mar 24, 2013, 5 comments]
Hey guys, I'm so excited that I'm finally on the experience level. Can't wait to level up again.……
- The Girl Who Lived part 9[published: Mar 24, 2013, 2 comments]
So, this is chapter 9. Year 1 is ended by the chapters now so, we'll just see when year 1 ends because……
- The Girl Who Lived part 8[published: Mar 23, 2013, 3 comments]
So, in the end I was able to publish this quiz, so I hope you enjoyed it, I am currently working on……
- The Girl Who Lived part 7[published: Mar 23, 2013, 1 comment]
So, thanks to the wonderful xxblutixx, I was finally able to post what I was planning to post last……
- The Girl Who Lived part 6[published: Mar 23, 2013, 1 comment]
Hey guys, after about a week I'm attempting to post this. If your reading this then it worked this……
- coming soon in 2013-2014 (revised)[published: Mar 01, 2013, 1 comment]
SO, this is basically a revised edition of my first one. I came up with more ideas. I also……
- The Girl Who Lived part 5[published: Feb 24, 2013, 2 comments]
Hey guys, writing pretty early in the morning. I just couldn't not write. So, here it is. Hope you……
- The Girl Who Lived part 4[published: Feb 13, 2013, 2 comments]
I do have a good reason that this is late. It's the day before Valentine's Day, so I wanted to wish……
- The Girl Who Lived part 3[published: Feb 02, 2013, 4 comments]
Normally I post about every weekend but I couldn't because my studies have gotten harder and more time……
- The Girl Who Lived part 2[published: Jan 22, 2013, 2 comments]
So, this is the second part. It's not very funny but I tried to add humor into it. In my defense, I……
- The Girl Who Lived[published: Jan 16, 2013, 8 comments]
So, this isn't exactly the series. It's more of like a pilot on a television show except its a story. If I……
- A new quiz or story option[published: Dec 31, 2012, 3 comments]
Hey guys! So, I was reading some quizzes or stories online. Okay, story-quizzes. Anyway, I thought 'I……
- Before You Say Goodbye part 5[published: Dec 30, 2012]
So, you might or not already know that an author called Natuhleegayle (author who inspired me to……
- The Wallflower part 5[published: Dec 30, 2012, 1 comment]
So, If you do not celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, I apologize. But, after you read this part I hope……
- coming soon in 2013-2014[published: Dec 25, 2012, 3 comments]
Hey, so if you've taken one of my 'coming soon' quizzes, it's basically a poll to see which story will……
- Before You Say Goodbye part 4[published: Dec 23, 2012]
So, I'm sorry about my long absence. I've been busy with work and to top it off, I has quite a bit……
- The Wallflower part 4[published: Dec 07, 2012, 1 comment]
I apologize for the lateness of this. It's been almost 3 weeks. I'm really sorry. I've just been occupied……
- The Wallflower part 3[published: Nov 22, 2012, 1 comment]
Happy Thanksgiving kids. I decided that I wanted to update all of these 6 parts on Thanksgiving as a……
- Before You Say Goodbye part 3[published: Nov 22, 2012]
Happy Thanksgiving. I wanted to write them all before hand so I could update them all on the same……
- The Wallflower part 2[published: Nov 22, 2012, 1 comment]
Happy Thanksgiving! So, it's finally Thanksgiving. Can't wait to hibernate! I'm going to miss everyone……
- Before You Say Goodbye part 2[published: Nov 22, 2012]
Happy Thanksgiving you guys! I'm writing these all before thanksgiving so they can all be……
- The Wallflower part 1[published: Nov 22, 2012]
Welcome to the first part of wallflower. My writing doesn't seem to be as popular as it was. So, I just……
- Before You Say Goodbye part 1[published: Nov 22, 2012]
Merry Thanksgiving! I just combined christmas and thanksgiving. I think it was pretty clever.……
- NEVERland series finale[published: Nov 01, 2012]
The finale is finally here. Turns out my prediction isn't going to be longer than delinquents. Oh well,……
- NEVERland series pt 9[published: Oct 29, 2012, 2 comments]
Hey guys. Let's brighten up a Monday night with a NEVERland update. The finale is coming up soon and I……
- NEVERland series pt 8[published: Oct 25, 2012, 1 comment]
Hey guys, I will not be able to create any new ones this weekend except for friday because I have a……
- NEVERland series pt 7[published: Oct 22, 2012, 1 comment]
Welcome pt 7 of the NEVERland series. It isn't very long but, as I've said before, I'm trying to extend……
- NEVERland series pt 6[published: Oct 20, 2012, 2 comments]
Hey guys. Can't stop writing, this is so much fun. I already have the ending planned out and it's going to……
- coming soon in November 2012[published: Oct 20, 2012, 7 comments]
Hey guys, I said I'd have a writers intermission but, writing is so addicting and fun. Anyway, this……
- Delinquents pt 10[published: Oct 18, 2012, 7 comments]
Oh yeah, I need 10 comments before I continue this or discontinue it officially. Don't forget to put your vote……
- NEVERland series pt 4 and 5[published: Oct 18, 2012, 3 comments]
Hi guys. I know I haven't updated but, I wanted to focus on getting this all on the site in one day.……
- mysterious love story pt 19[published: Oct 16, 2012, 1 comment]
Hi guys. That's the end. I was gonna combine the two to make a super-large one but, I decided that……
- Delinquents pt 9[published: Oct 07, 2012, 1 comment]
Welcome peeps. Nice of you to drop by and read my story quizzes. They can be fun sometimes. Anyway, this one……
- NEVERland series pt 3[published: Oct 07, 2012]
yo peeps. The popularity of my quizzes are going up. As I get closer the pt 5, I get closer to my writers……
- mysterious love story pt 18[published: Oct 07, 2012, 1 comment]
Hi guys. So, it's getting even closer to pt 20. Like I said, once this gets to pt 20, delinquents……
- Delinquents pt 8[published: Oct 04, 2012]
2 in one day really is a record. You guys are awesome. My quizzes seem to be a little popular. But, I'll take……
- mysterious love story pt 17[published: Oct 04, 2012, 1 comment]
YO peeps. Welcome to my quiz part 17. It seems like it was no time at all since I started writing.……
- mysterious love story pt 16[published: Sep 30, 2012, 1 comment]
You guys/peeps! I haven't updated in a while, so I just decided to get back up on the horse and……
- NEVERland series pt 2[published: Sep 28, 2012, 1 comment]
Hey people. Nice of you to stop by and read my quiz. You guys are pretty cool. I'm not just saying that.……
- NEVERland series pt 1[published: Sep 21, 2012, 2 comments]
IMPORTANT NEWS! PLEASE READ! Okay, so this is sort of a pilot except in quiz form. In a way, it's like the……
- Delinquents pt 7[published: Sep 21, 2012, 1 comment]
Yellow peeps. how you guys doing? So, I haven't updated this quiz in a while, so here it is. A present from me……
- chopinssonatas new update 1[published: Sep 19, 2012, 1 comment]
Enjoy the quiz. Anyone can participate in the contest if they want to. Please with an upside down……
- mysterious love story pt 15[published: Sep 19, 2012, 1 comment]
Yo peeps. So, I just added up all of the number of viewers and guess what number I got? 367! I've……
- mysterious love story pt 14[published: Sep 18, 2012, 1 comment]
yo peeps. I came back from a writers intermission. Having writers block is a writers worst……
- mysterious love story pt 13[published: Sep 09, 2012, 2 comments]
So, the mystery finally begins. This is so fun to write because I can make anything happen. Well,……
- Delinquents pt 6[published: Sep 09, 2012, 1 comment]
thanks for reading. A new character is revealed in this chapter. So now there's one more character that I need……
- Delinquents pt 5[published: Sep 09, 2012, 1 comment]
This isn't really the story. Its more of a flash back. If your reading this right now then, I'd like to thank……
- Delinquents pt 4[published: Sep 08, 2012]
So, here you are. This is an Special so, it has multiple answers. there is one song that plays but its old so……
- Delinquents pt 3[published: Sep 02, 2012, 1 comment]
hey it's chopinssonata. I'd like to dedicate the rest of my series Delinquents and mysterious love story to my……
- delinquents pt 2[published: Aug 29, 2012]
Hey, so this is what you get. If you don't like it, then I suggest you go elsewhere. As much as I like writing,……
- Delinquents pt 1[published: Aug 25, 2012, 2 comments]
IMPORTANT VIEWERS MUST READ: with school and work starting again, the schedule is gonna be packed. So, expect……
- what instrument would you play?[published: Aug 19, 2012]
Hey, so this is a quiz based on other musicians I know..........................................……
- CHOPINSSONATA'S NEW STORY?[published: Aug 15, 2012, 4 comments]
In a pickle. I wanna make a new love story series but, I have multiple ideas. Only two are good. So,……
- mysterious love story charcter voting[published: Aug 07, 2012, 1 comment]
So as promised I'm gonna be adding a character. But, I decided to kill off two and replace……
- mysterious love story vote off[published: Aug 06, 2012, 2 comments]
So I'm voting off a character so I need your help to decide. I like MOST of the……
- mysterious love story pt 2[published: Aug 06, 2012, 4 comments]
Hey this is a sequal to my first. It just follows the last. I almost forgot!!! Wait..... okay so in……
- mysterious love story[published: Aug 05, 2012, 9 comments]
Hey!!!!!! It's Chopinssonata. As you can see on my profile page, that I'm a 'newbie'. So please don't……
chopinssonata's Recent Posts
"Nigahiga is so cool. Kev Jumba and Jenna Marbles are pretty funny too."
"This is chopinssonata. So, this is similar to the other forum I created. Feel free to ask questions, give comments, give feedback or anythin..."
"this is chopinssonata. So, if you have any feedback, questions or anything, feel free to post."
"sure. will you try my quiz too? go ahead and comment if you want."
""what I've done" Linkin park"
"gotta agree. played the original pac-man game and video games (mario and star wars). No one appreciates the classics anymore."
"no. sounds fun. Da book is amazing."
"pretty fun"
"Everything works out for the best and good luck is all i have to say."
"yup. You don't need anyone else."
"nice job. But is anyone online gonna really tell a stranger that they "like them" and truely mean it? No offense to anyone who does this but..."
"joe brooks is pretty good. His song rules of attraction is pretty good."
"sure. but will you try out mine? I'm not a newbie but, I still have a pretty low ranking. Please comment as well"
chopinssonata's Recent Quiz Comments
"For those of you who read this, I have been having a difficulty uploading recently, so I created a new account. ChopinSonata1849. All of…"
1 -
"I'm back. I will post the future additions of The Girl Who Lived under the username ChopinSonata1849"
0 -
"For whenever you get this, "The Girl Who Lived" has returned. But on a different account of mine ChopinSonata1849"
1 -
"15% posh"
1 -
"Thanks! It's definitely appreciated"
1 -
"56% survived"
1 -
"@xxblutixx twenty is definitely a milestone! The quizzes have become far in between. I'm finding that as you (evryone in general) get…"
1 -
"Happy Birthday! Live your day to the fullest. You only turn twenty once. ;0p"
1 -
"I have a couple opinions on this matter. So I suppose I'll just state my honest opinion.
1) I don't think that you should value…"
1 -
"Goodness no. I'm only in the middle of year three and I plan to continue till the end of the battle at hogwarts and then even some…"