mysterious love story pt 2

Hey this is a sequal to my first. It just follows the last. I almost forgot!!! Wait..... okay so in the first I didn't. Introduce Derek. So if you got him last time, he's introduced in this one.

Guess what??? I didn't think that id get any viewers, comments or ratings on the first couple of days. But I did.... so just wanna say thanks. Thanks a bunch actually.

Created by: chopinssonata

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. " Are you two done yet?". They both said in unison in a choleric tone. Nick hastily stood up and pulled you up as well. An that's when you noticed that everybody was covered in gruel. Considering the fact that two of your friends were peeved, you decided to change the mood a little. Lifting up the steel pot that held leftovers of the mystery concocting you scooped up a handful. Over to you far right you spotted the two arguing earlier who seemed to be talking and constantly pointing in your direction. You raised an eyebrow and it seemed as if that action had triggered the mute button on their voices. From the same action, the also knew what was to be expected. You slowly raised your mush filled hand and pitched it over to the two boys from earlier. Bullseye!! You hit them both in just one shot. At that very second, it turned from silence into a gigantic fight. A food fight that is. When preparing to launch another, you were hit from behind. You nonchalantly spun around and spotted Eli with a tub of fresh macoroni and cheese. This was definitley a food fight challenge which you accepted. Circling and Circling like vultures, Eli finally made the first move.
  2. It wasn't a surprise that Nick and Jake wanted to join in on the duel. So, Jake sided with you and Nick started to pout since he was paired with Eli. Two rules applied. 1: you can only be hit three times with food before you're out. 2: winning team doesn't end up cleaning up the mess hall The duel soon began with everyone silent. Eli made the first move by launching mashed potatoes in your direction. No matter who's point of view it was coming from, there was only one way to dodge it. You sprint toward and on the wall and executed a flawless backflip. As you managed to do that, Jake splattered creaked corn all over Nick. It all came down to this. You and Eli stood face to face ready to win the food fight. One. Two. Three. The alarm in your head went off. It was time to take action.
  3. After winning the food fight, lunch had ended. While heading to literature you overheard a faint conversation. You headed toward the source and saw a senior getting assaulted by two people. It was a boy with brown-black eyes and black hair. The other had green eyes and brown hair. You haven't been a host type of person but, you had bunches of new experiences so why not add to the pile? "Don't you dare underestimate us. ". The one with the black hair said. "We wouldn't want you to get into a little accident would we?". Snarled the other. Once he said that, you had figured exactly who he is. It was time for him to come clean. You stepped out from behind the shadows and put an end to his charade. But to stop them for good, you needed to punish them. When they saw you, their faces stayed blank. Instead of stopping in your tracks, you triple flipped and punched the first boy in his stomach. The other came at you ready to brawl. He threw several punches at you that you blocked. Finally, you took him down with a side kick. "That's what you get when you cross paths with me.". You said as you motioned toward yourself. "Look, I know who you are. So don't bother trying. Start explaining."
  4. "Alright Sherlock, I'm Derek and this is Daniel. Both of our families are in debts to the higher ups. If we don't cooperate, someone close to us will be murdered. It wasn't our choice.". The one with blackish eyes and black eyes said earnestly. "It's all true. We were only informed of this contract recently. I didn't predict to lie but, how can you make friends when saying 'hey!! You might be killed by the government just because you're my friend!!'? ". He wasn't wrong but you couldn't talk about this now. You had to hurry to class before the teachers think you went missing and got kidnapped. You only said three words before parting. "I'll stay quiet.".
  5. Compared to the rest of your day, literature was the most boring part. If you could have, you would have stabbed yourself in the arm with a mechanical pencil to cure the pain. Out of all the exciting things occurring today, why couldn't there have had been something now? But, you did look forward to football tryouts today. When the class period ended you rushed to geography which unfortunately was across the campus. While entering the classroom, you spotted you least favorite blonds. Unluckily for you, all the other empty seats are taken up so you have no choice but to sit next to them. Only 45 minutes until you ditch the rest of class for tryouts. For the next 45 minutes you count every second and minute that goes by. "Excuse me, I need to attend football tryouts. But before I take my leave I would like to ask your permission." The teacher didn't seem to put any thought into it and said..... "Yes, go ahead. Students, whoever needs to attend tryouts should evacuate."
  6. Finally, the last part of your day. Football tryouts!!!! You were so excited that it seemed as if you had been drinking coffee. You were in the midst of your thoughts when someone called tour name. "____________!!!! Hey, about earlier, we didn't mean to get on your nerves. I'll explain everything if you let me walk you home. I'm Lucas and that's my half brother Chase." As he gestured to a boy jogging in your direction before he left to go sign in because boys had to tryout first. Earlier, when you looked onto the sign in sheet it wasn't a shock that no other girl had signed up. "Hey I'm Chase. Nice to meet ya. 'pant' sorry 'bout earlier. But in my defense, he started it." He then ran off to do the same as his half brother. Now thinking about it, Chase had light blond hair with green eyes. And Lucas had wavy dirty-blond hair and crisp blue eyes. But right at this moment you couldn't think about this, you had to focus. It was your turn to tryout. Depending on your tackle, kicking the football into the goalpost and running time would decide your position.
  7. After finding out that you had made quarterback, Lucas as defends and Chase as runningback you headed to the front of the school. There awaited Eli. Once you were in his eyesight he ran toward you and you were consumed by his bear hug. He had his normal scent which smelled like a combination of granny Smith apples and grass. It's not that you go around sniffing people and identifying what they smell like but, you've always been with Eli. It just seemed like the most natural thing in the world. As promised Lucas and Chase walked you home. It didn't seem that they were too fond of the idea of you living with someone the opposite gender. Chase began explaining their dilemma while you purchased the ingredients to prepare tonight's dinner. Which you invited them to. "We became half-brothers when we learner that Lucas's father had an affair outside of his marriage. The affair he had it with happened to be my mother who hadn't known. When she died, Lucas's father took me in. Just because I'm an illegitimate child doesn't mean that I should be treated unequally!! ". As he finished speaking, you lifted up your grocery bags and exited the store. "May I help you with those? They look heavy.". Lucas commented. "Sure. But they're not that heavy.". When he held the groceries you could tell that it was way too heavy for him. He even smiled and replied he was fine when you asked him if he was okay.
  8. As you continued walking you heard the thumping of footsteps and the clicking of a gun being loaded heading your way. Fortunately, you had enough time to hid in a rubbish bin that fit you all. There was a familar scream, dozens of gunshots, a pause and footsteps trailing away. Chase got out first and signaled the coast was clear. You made your way toward the corpse. And with a single look you knew why the scream sounded so familiar. It was your sister. She was clenching the locked you gave to her last Christmas before she got ill. But in her other hand she held a key. You eased them out of her cold bare hands as you put the items in your pocket. Then, a black van pulled up. Several people in black suits and ski masks hopped out and sprayed sleeping gas. With that, they picked up the body and drove away.
  9. Who do you like?
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