Blue Frost's Profile
Blue Frost
Joined on Dec 3, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Blue Frost's Recent Posts
"Like I said before - NONE of you are in a position to comment on parenting skills ! Yes barberbob , I am a sheltering parent"
"Hi Sage , nope , sadly at this time we don't trust her. When we found out she was using this forum we thought she was too young and "
"Of course you are all authorities on parenting? Yes I am a parent and if concern for my child's well being makes me a terribl"
"I am grown up barberbob , I am one of the users parents . I will refrain from posting here as I do have the perpetrators email and will take..."
"Hi all , I am a ms not a mr. Zane, you need to listen closely. I think your game is up mate. You have been playing with innocent girls and y..."
"Sage , if you actually read the post you will see that it has nothing to do with passwords and internet safety . It has to do with people ly..."
"I know you lie Zane ! All the rubbish about wasting $2000 and tearing up tickets ! What game do you think you are playing ? Just stop lying ..."
"Hi dragon . I have been reading the forum for a few months but didn't really have the courage to post anything . I have been quite shocked h..."
"There are some people like this on gtq and people should be careful about who they trust ! A manipulator's aggression is not"
"I don't know you but from what I have seen on some of the posts I think you have some serious issues dude ! Lying and making other people fe..."
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