Bear Paw Super's Profile
Bear Paw Super
Joined on Sep 10, 2013
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
Bear Paw Super's Quizzes
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Bear Paw Super's Recent Posts
"Aww fine /:|"
"Angel told me to say that ;3"
"Anyway, you can choose which "Latin root" your character came from: radix fossor, umbra ligna, flamma auceps, or ros rosae. "
"Sigh plz will other people rp here!! Come back!! I like reading what you post on zee thread)"
"Is it just me, or is nobody on this rp anymore??)"
"(Oops sorry Angel! Ohmygosh I accidentally rped your character SORRY!!) (Forget that post)"
""Right here," whispered Badger, crawling over to her. "They're gone.""
"(The setting is inside an abandoned apartment that the Pedigrees used for meetings. They also stayed there during the winter.)"
"Chung Lee sat in a circle with the rest of the Pedigrees. Though blind, his whiskers still worked pretty well, and even an old wise kitty as..."
"Ok, let's just say Chung Lee is a Peddy :)"
"Yep sure!"
"Angel r u there"
"Got it! I just copy parts of the story at a time from AF's email. You know, to build suspense... :)"
"Cool ;)"
"Suddenly he crashed into a table, and stopped there. What was he doing?? Well, turns out, that mange did it on purpose. He backed away, and ..."
Bear Paw Super's Recent Quiz Comments
"Ninjago Boyfriend
Your Result: Lloyd 72%Your Ninjago boyfriend is Lloyd! He is the most powerful and is almost always…"