Poop Scenarios: What would you do?

So I did a pee scenarios quiz so now it's time for a poo scenarios quiz! Does anyone actually read these? I feel like I'm just typing into a void.....

Anyways, IDK what to put here but here's the longest english word: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis lol that took care of most of the character count.

Created by: Gamer_Champ
  1. Let's start with a basic one: you are walking down a sidewalk, your home is miles away. and you feel poop slipping out of your butt. There are no other people around.
  2. You're hanging out with your crush and you really need to poop. What do you do?
  3. You are in line to go poo and there is one person in front of you. You both need to poo really bad and the person in front of you poops their pants. You...
  4. You had Taco Bell and now you're in bed BURSTING with Diherria. What do you do?
  5. Your best friend bets you 20$ that you won't record yourself holding your poo until you poo yourself with them. You take the challenge and an hour later your bowels are ACHING.
  6. You are lifting weights when a peice of poo falls into your pants. What do you do?
  7. You are at a sleepover and you wake up with a wet sleeping bag and really need to poo. You don't want to get up because then your friends would know you peed the bed. What do you do?
  8. You're at school and the teacher won't let you leave the classroom. Of course, you need to poo. The pencil sharpener is hidden from view, though.
  9. Let's say you are a trans woman, newly starting your transition. You are about to poop yourself, so you go to the women's bathroom. You're about to enter when a big guy yells at you, warning you not to use that one.
  10. You and your friend decide you both want to poo yourselves together. How do you do it? (won't affect score)
  11. Did you like the quiz? Will you comment and rate? (Doesn't affect score)

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