Political Compass: French Revolution Edition

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Aux armes, citoyens! Vive la Revolution! Welcome, citizen, to Revolutionary France. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was frankly the most alarming of times, as Madame Guillotine cast her long shadow over Europe.

From the first stirrings of the Estates-General to the Terror, it was a political rollercoaster. More clubs, factions and glorified drinking societies were founded than you can shake a liberty cap at. This quiz allows you to give your answers to the huge questions facing France between 1789 and 1794, and work out which faction you’d have been a member of. What should we do with Louis Capet? Is Terror your bag? What are your chances of avoiding an appointment with the National Razor? Are you a Catholic loyalist or a bloodthirsty sans-culotte nutter? Let’s find out. Enjoy the quiz – but remember, don’t get too excited and lose your head!

Created by: Capel Lofft/A.Walsh
  1. Who is your political hero?
  2. What should we do about the Catholic Church?
  3. 'Popular insurrection is a legitimate form of political action'. Do you agree?
  4. What is your favourite item of clothing?
  5. What should we do about Louis XVI?
  6. Should we 'make terror the order of the day'?
  7. How centralised should the Republic be?
  8. Should we abolish slavery?
  9. What should be the Republic's economic policy?
  10. Do you support the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?
  11. Should the Republic wage war on its Royalist European enemies?

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