How would your child turn out if you were a parent?

Welcome to my quiz! Have you ever wondered how you would do as a parent and what you would do in certain situations? This is the quiz that would uncover a few things.

This quiz gives multiple scenarios and your stance on a few topics. Your answered will affect this "virtual child's" future. Would you do well or perhaps raise a delinquent? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Idk of Quiz World
(your link here more info)
  1. Your 6 year old is taking guitar lessons and wants to quit because he/she is just not interested. What do you do?
  2. Your 7 year old got a 89 on their quiz, your reaction?
  3. You're 8 year old got in trouble at school, your reaction?
  4. You visit your brother/sister you are close to. They have a 9 year old child, same age as yours. Unfortunately, your child isn't getting along, what do you do.
  5. Do you give an allowance, if so how do you handle it?
  6. Do you put your child in private or public school?
  7. What kind of verbal language do you use with your child.
  8. What are your electronic policies?
  9. Your 11 year old child got caught bullying, what do you do?
  10. Your 12 year old child got caught skipping school, what do you do?
  11. Your child is in the 8th grade and high school is coming up, how do you react?
  12. Your 14 year old talked back and told you to shut up. How do you react?
  13. Your child dates for the first time.
  14. You caught your 16 year old smoking, what do you do?!
  15. Your child is applying for college, how do react?
  16. How would you react if your child did a minor offense?
  17. How would you react to your child doing an average offense?
  18. How would you react to your child doing a major offense?

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Quiz topic: How would my child turn out if you were a parent? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Parenting Quiz category.
