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- 8.1K
Have you ever wondered what kind of guy likes you? Well, when you take this quiz you'll find out. Trust me you'll be pleasantly suprised 100% guaranteed. …
- 7.2K
Do you like playing with stuffed animals or action figures? This quiz will tell you who you should be. Are you a cool cat or a dumb dog. Does everyone like you …
- 2.9K
Hey everybody, this is part five of my "which would fall for you" quiz series. Thank you all for commenting and rating on my quizzes, please continue to do so! …
- 8.5K
There are so many people out there,, but which one is for you? A good mate, afterall, is a smart guy with personnality and flair. Good style is important in …
- 13.5K
Like Star Wars!!! Ever wounder what color lightsaber you would have if you were a jedi? Or did you just say "I like this …
- 14.3K
You have seen many movies about it. What would happen if society as we know it ended? What would happen if the services that we rely upon and take for granted …
- 2.7K
Hey everybody, welcome to part four of my story quiz - which would fall for you? Will it be miku, the fallen angel? Carter, the vampire? Tanner the fairy? Or …
- 2.8K
Hi everybody!! This is part three of our story quiz here. First of all I would like to ask you all to participate in my poll-asking which character you like …
- 4.6K
Hey guys!!! I got some good comments on my last quiz. Sorry they take a while to come out. But anyway. This is part two, …
- 5.3K
Everyone has someone they are like, in this qiz you will no which character, actress, actor, person you really are. Personality wise of course.I don't know you! …