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- 12.1K
Just under a million people live in Montana... and many of these are transplants from Poland to Pasadena, Dallas to Duluth. How much do YOU know about Montana? …
- 9.2K
Many people have high self-esteem, other people have low. To find out what level of self-esteem you are at, take the quiz to find out!! I hope you all end the …
- 5.2K
"Where do you belong in school? Do you rule the school? Are you the athletic SUPERSTAR? Are you good at academic activities? Are you just a pretty neat person …
- 4.1K
There are many people of the world; smart, dumb, and plain old coooool! Well, tyou may be wondering what a cool person is? They are someone who has just the …
- 35.5K
Have you ever wondered what your future job would or maybe might be? I have and if you want to find out take my quiz. And please remeber to post comments and …
- 1.9K
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you were given the chance to meet 4 amazing guys, and have your pick of them? Well, these 4 guys that you meet …
- 15.7K
This quiz has the randomest questions, I know, but just answer them the way you would answer them if a fat man named …
- 1.7K
Have you ever read the Twilight books? Have you ever wondered who you would be? This quiz will tell you who you are based on how alike each charecter you are. …
- 2.7K
Hello everyone! This is part six of the "Which will fall for you" quiz series. I'm sorry it's so late, but I'm very busy during the week. Anyway, I hope to have …
- 20.3K
This is a does he like you quiz. If you like someone then take this quiz and see if he likes you to! Or you can just take this quiz for fun even if you don't …