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- 230K
Have you ever wondered about your future? Like...Will you get married, will you graduate from college, will you have kids, where will you live, ex. And don't …
- 10.4K
Its hard to find that person person. Is he smart, cool, funny, creative? They say the perfect guy is out there, how do …
- 2.4K
Ever wonder what color you were most like? Well now you can find out. Ive got a color for just about everyone try and find yours!!!!!!! Are you black/gray, …
- 51.2K
At even just one point of our lives we've all wanted to change our names. Sometimes our names just can't seem to match us. Imagine a tomboy named Ashley …
- 1.7K
Do you have some dreams about being "different"? well this quiz proves whether or not your dream has the right to qualify as a powerful vampire. Take this quiz …
- 5.7K
There are some people wondering to themselves if they are nice. Most people think that they are because they are human. If you really want to make sure your …
- 7.3K
There are lots of people who are annxious to know what is going to happen to them next. or what will they do. Most people dont even worry about death because …
- 2.2K
Oh great, the dreaded paragrah! It takes so long to do this thing. My quiz is about " What spongebob Squarepants …
- 3.5K
So you think that you know who your crush is? Well no you don't! At least not until you take this quiz... i will tell …
- 4.5K
"A clique is basically a group of peope ,who,each individual owns a different personality than the other.In other ways,they are called a fraternity or a …