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- 1.7K
Boys and girls which one are you!Are you really a boy or are you really a girl?This questions will be answered after this questions I made to prove that are you …
- 1.5K
A gamer is someone who loves games and a true gamer would almost do anything to get games.But,the best gamer never gets too addicted but games would be …
- 1.3KWhat Disney princess are you?2.61rated: 2.61/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 1.3K times3 comments
- 5.8K
Do you want to learn more about your Zodiac sign? Find out with my quiz! This quiz took me hours to make so I hope you really like it! Also, just to tell you, …
- 1.3K
There are many people in the world but only a few are true tomboys take this Quiz and find out now with this quiz I hope you like and enjoy this quiz …
- 18.8KShould i wait for him to love me or move on ?3.48rated: 3.48/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 18.8K times3 comments
You maybe wondering if he's the one you are waiting for him to like you putting your all your effort in it So to all those girls i got you this quiz to help …
- 5.9K
Many kids hate school, and not many adults understand why, or how much. I made this quiz to try to measure how much people hate school, so that I can give them …
- 6.2K
It's about finding your true self.Don't you ever wonder if your special or not?We've always wanted to figure that out about ourselves now that we have we want …
- 5.5KWhich of the Star Darlings are you (Part 1)4.07rated: 4.07/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 5.5K times
Welcome to Starling Academy. Twelve very special students have been selected from this year's class to reclaim the wish energy that powers their beloved planet, …
- 2.1K
there are shy people, tomboys, girly girls, kawaii people,ect. find out your personality with this quiz. I tried and it took me about an hour to complete. …