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- 4.3K
Ok the reason I created this quiz is becuase disney descendants is my most favourit movie ever .At leaste for now.It is …
- 5.9KWhat fantasy book do you want to read next?3.71rated: 3.71/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 5.9K times1 comment
Have you noticed the plethora of fantasy books out there just begging to be read? Do you ever have a hard time selecting which one to read next? Let this quiz …
- 1.8K
Do You Know what Descendants is. If you don't, it is a FairyTail world with Sons and Duaghters of Princes, Princesses and Villians too. And they are all in a …
- 6.5K
Have you seen the amazing movie Descendants? It's a great movie about the children of the Disney villains and heroes. The children of four particular villains …
- 34K
Do you have a complicated last name? Do people have hard times figuring out how to say your name? Do you think I can find out your last name? We'll see! …
- 4.4K
Some people, are born with the gift... of a power. It can range from super smarts, to the capability of taking over the world. Try this quiz to see if YOU were …
- 1.9KUltimate Matthew Espinosa Test3.1rated: 3.1/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 1.9K times1 comment
Try taking this 28 question quiz about Matthew Espinosa (Vine star) and see if you are a true Matthew Espinosa fan. At the beginning of this test, it is simple …
- 5.2K
Hi and welcome to quiz. I'm glad you've decided to take a look at it. This quiz is to determine who you are in school. The results are not meant to insult …
- 2.3K
There are a lot of woman (girls) in the world that have a crush on boys. It's really just some every woman does. It's just natural for them. …
- 4.3K
So you think that you know everything about yourself. Do you really know about yourself? You think yes? If so, then think twice. You don't know everything about …