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- 52.2KTwitter dili ve edebiyat 20213.55rated: 3.55/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 52.2K times
Sırf zor olsun diye sadece kendi bildigim tweetleri atmadım eğer gerçekten de cogu seyi biliyorsan gercek bir Twitter bagımlısısın. Hadi durma basla... …
- 187How well do you know Taylor Swift4.84rated: 4.84/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 187 times
This quiz is about Taylor Swift it's ok if you are not a Swiftie you can still do this quiz. Don't feel bad if you don't do great because this quiz is for fun. …
- 252Are you a true potterhead?4.6rated: 4.6/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 252 times1 comment
15 harry potter questions only true potterheads will know the answer to. Think you are a potterhead? Then let's put you to the ultimate test. Prove you …
- 293Which element do u control ?4.38rated: 4.38/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 293 times
Have you ever felt a deep connection to one of the elementsEarth, Water, Air, or Fire? Each element represents a different aspect of our personality and energy. …
- 319What's your Fitzpatrick skin type?4.34rated: 4.34/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 319 times3 comments
The Fitzpatrick skin type scale is used to measure skin colour. It measures to what extreme your skin tans or burns. There are 6 types ranging from palest to …
- 78Are you a Kedren, Neldon, or Oakland?4.5rated: 4.5/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 78 times
Do you get bored? You wonder what quiz to take? Well take this quiz! You will figure out what creature you are from my fandom! (I made all of these up, none of …
- 115What Is Your Giver Assignment Part 15rated: 5/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 115 times
IF YOU TAKE THIS ONE TAKE PART 2 AS WELL! This is the Giver quiz which tells you which of a few of the Community assignments you would recieve, although not all …
- 50What Is Your Giver Assignment Part 25rated: 5/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 50 times
HEY Y'ALL! This is What is your Giver Assignment Part 2, if you haven't taken part 1 yet I recommend doing so just so that you get the whole shabang! I am, …
- 142Culpa y super yo5rated: 5/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 142 times
¿Que pecado toma control sobra nosotros cada vez que nos distraemos? ¿De que manera ves estas actitudes? ¿Crees que el mercado se aprovecha de nosotros? …
- 281MHA/BNHA Quirk Quiz4.75rated: 4.75/5Promoted 3 months agotaken 281 times
This is a quiz that will tell you what quirk(out of 10) you get based off of your answers!! These quirks I have made up myself, so I hope you like them :3 …