How Much Of A Y/N Are You?

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In this quiz, you will see how much of a Y/N you are. Y/N stands for “Your Name” and is used for fan fictions occasionally (whether satire or not). A little off topic, but usually the fan fictions use extremely descriptive (and unneeded) content like “her ebony locks flipped as she blinked her ebony black orbs”.

If you’ve ever heard of the term “pick-me”, that’s basically the essence of what Y/N behaviour is considered. Obnoxious, annoying, thinks they’re the centre of the world.. I could go on. It’s not necessarily a bad thing if you’re confident but as long as you know how much confidence is too much. Remember, this quiz is only for fun and please don’t get mad if your y/n score is high. I’m sure you’re all decent people. :j

Created by: urmom
  1. Do you write? (Can be poems, stories, novels, etc) This won’t affect your score.
  2. If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, do you describe eyes as orbs, or describe a dark black colour as ebony?
  3. Do you think everyone has a crush on you?
  4. Would you describe yourself as quirky, extremely unique, or special, or specifically different from others that it stands out?
  5. Are you a pick me, or described as one by others?
  6. Do you have a nagging feeling to always be the centre of attention?
  7. If you write fiction stories, do you mostly write fan fiction or do you write stuff you made up yourself?
  8. filler question (will affect ur score by like one point
  9. filler wuestion (will affect ur score a little bit)
  10. filler question (yup, again.)

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Quiz topic: How Much Of A Y/N am I?

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