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- 6.3K
Have you ever wondered what kind of a personality you had? Its time to find out~ I am currently working on a story (which probably isnt even going to come out.) …
- 2.2K
This is my remake of the first one so I don't know how good it is. Mind you I'm new to the setting up thing. I don't know if I'm doing it right. Please don't …
- 512Are you a funny person?3.54rated: 3.54/5Promoted 3 years agotaken 512 times3 comments
This quiz is used to determine between four options. In this, we will try to see if you are a funny person, or not. And for either, we will try to figure out …
- 4.2KWhat Oblivion Class Are You?2.7rated: 2.7/5Promoted 3 years agotaken 4.2K times1 comment
Have you ever wondered what Oblivion Class suits you best? Is it just too hard to decide what class too be? Are you just bored and can't find anything to do? …
- 1.7K
Hello! This is a quiz that I have no idea if it works so I'm just testing lol. This isn't gonna be that good. I'm not gonna make any more of these. Feel lucky. …
- 6.3KWhat Camp Campbell kid are you?3.07rated: 3.07/5Promoted 3 years agotaken 6.3K times
Hello! What Camp Campbell kid are you? I'm sorry I forgot Nerris! But I do have the rest of the kids. If your seeing this, then hello, welcome to the quiz! …
- 3.3KWhat six minutes character are you4.01rated: 4.01/5Promoted 3 years agotaken 3.3K times3 comments
Have you ever heard of the podcast six minutes well its the story of a girl named holiday who was found floating in the water in Alaska a boy named Cyrus and …
- 993Which Monster High Character are you?4.28rated: 4.28/5Promoted 3 years agotaken 993 times
Hey guys! Welcome to the quiz. As you can see by the title, this is a Monster High Character quiz. Unfortunately, I could only make ten results, though I wanted …
- 1.8K
Let me introduce you to my What Descendants 2 Character Are You quiz. As a #1DescendantsFan I hope you too enjoy my quiz! Good luck about getting the character …
- 1K
Title says it all! Just read the lyrics I give you and you try to guess the song. Also, get ready for next month, because next month, Wings Of Fire: The …