What FNF Character are you?

I really hope you will enjoy this quiz! Despite it being only 10 questions long, I put a ton of work into it, as it is my first quiz on this website! I'm not sure if it's too short... if it is, I'm sorry. This was based around Friday Night Funkin.

Friday Night Funkin is a rhythm game where you battle opponents for 7 weeks straight in the form of rap! Your objective: get the girl. Simple? Simple.

Created by: theknightbus
  1. What is your favorite color combo?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. How do you prefer to dress?
  4. If you were a FNF character, what color would your battle icon be?
  5. What is your Hogwarts house?
  6. Do you watch anime?
  7. What is your favorite ship? (Doesn't affect score)
  8. Thoughts on Monster? (Doesn't affect score)
  9. What difficulty do you normally play on?
  10. Finally, did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What FNF Character am I?
