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- 244Which TSAMS character are you?4.8rated: 4.8/5Promoted 1 months agotaken 244 times1 comment
Which Sun and Moon Show character are you? This quiz will show what TSAMS character matches your personality most. Remember that these results arent always 100% …
- 143Hogwarts House Sorting Quiz4.2rated: 4.2/5Promoted 1 months agotaken 143 times
Hi! Today a bunch of young Potterheads wanted to know their house and a lot of them got the same house, so I made my own quiz of what I think all of the houses …
- 65Basic Horse Knowledge Quiz4rated: 4/5Promoted 1 months agotaken 65 times
How much do you know about horses? Are you ready to lead the life of an equestrian? Are you prepared to care for a horse of your own? Are horses your passion? …
- 84could you have ice powers?4.67rated: 4.67/5Promoted 1 months agotaken 84 times
this quiz is to see if you could have ice magic. certain personalities fit better with ice magic than others do. this test will see if you have that type of …
- 295Mini Arcane Quiz I Turkish0rated: 0/5Promoted 1 months agotaken 295 times
"Arcane dunyasına adim at ve quiz'deki sorulari dogru cevaplamaya calis! Bu test, seni Zaun ve Piltover'ın derinliklerine goturecek. Sonuclar seni sasirtabilir! …
- 197Which one are you?3.38rated: 3.38/5Promoted 1 months agotaken 197 times1 comment
No, this is not all of us. There's about 7 results here, but there's like 20+ that could've been here. So if you don't get one here, it's possible you relate …
- 206How likely are you to survive in the wild?4.29rated: 4.29/5Promoted 1 months agotaken 206 times
Hello there random visitor! Ever wondered how likely you would be able to survive in the wild? Don't question more! This quiz or test will get you covered up …
- 616Hascelikler and the city yeterlilik testi (HACYT)0rated: 0/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 616 times
Hasçelikler And The City serisine ne kadar hakimsin? Yks21 zorluğunda hazırlanmış HACYTe gir ve öğren! (Lütfen arkadaşlarınızla paylaşmayı unutmayın!) …
- 123What Are You In Your Loneliness?4.5rated: 4.5/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 123 times
Everyone has a hidden-me in himself which comes out in loneliness having secret talents, possessing secret abilities and mind blowing skills. Everyone has a …
- 108Warrior cats love story part 60rated: 0/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 108 times1 comment
Please take my other quizzes before this if you have not. Also, you can skip the first and second opening paragraphs if you are not Warriorslover66.:) …