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- 96Which main character from Henry are you?0rated: 0/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 96 times
Thank you for taking the quiz! Your answers have helped uncover which character you align with most. Each of these personalities has unique traits, quirks, and …
- 185Are you a sensation seeker or sensory avoider?4.72rated: 4.72/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 185 times1 comment
Hello what's up. For some REASON this site is forcing me to make this 150 characters long. The quiz is for my psych project about the sensation seeking brain …
- 759How spoiled are you?4.18rated: 4.18/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 759 times3 comments
Are you spoiled? or are you really good at self-control and responsibility? try out this 10-question quiz to see if you got the rots or not! filler text …
- 160Your Action-Fantasy Soulmate!5rated: 5/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 160 times
So, this is a little quiz (my first one so pls try) to determine your fantasy-action soulmate. You kinda have to know all three of these movie universes to be …
- 481Never Have I Ever (Crime Edition)4.2rated: 4.2/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 481 times2 comments
Trigger warning: This quiz mentions abuse, substances, etc. If you have trauma or bad experiences/memories related to these things, maybe don't take this quiz. …
- 203A warriors Path part 1..4rated: 4/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 203 times2 comments
heres part one ! you have many diffrent paths...... wich will you choose? you can be a noble leader, a evil leader, a medicine cat or perhaps you choose the …
- 568Are You Economically Socialist OR Capitalist?4.29rated: 4.29/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 568 times1 comment
Communism/Marxist-Socialism Is An Idea Based Of Karl Marx Which Order Society By Class And Normally (Exceptions Like Traditionalist Communism) Indicates …
- 946
This is just gonna be you explaining yourself to me, and my determining whether you're Basic, Cool, Weird, Innocent, Or …
- 289[KOTLC Ability Detecting Quiz] {100% Accurate Match!}3.89rated: 3.89/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 289 times
Want to know which "Keeper Of The Lost Cities" ability you would manifest? There are "lots" to actually discover. …
- 521What type of Libleft are you4.2rated: 4.2/5Promoted 2 months agotaken 521 times
A libertarian Leftist is a Person who is Libertarian in government and Socialist in economy. The term originated in the political compass test. There are many …