How much are we alike genetically?

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This is a test to see how genetically similar we are! This will deal with biological sex (which is different from gender!), natural hair color, natural eye color, natural skin tone, and other things.

Since we need a filler, how're you doing? I hope you're okay! If you aren't, I hope you feel better soon, you deserve to feel happy. Everything will be okay, I promise. Also, credit as due: Picture is from Wasyago on Picrew.

  1. What is your biological sex? (The gender you were born as. This may or may not also reflect on your gender identity.)
  2. What color is your hair naturally?
  3. What color are your eyes?
  4. What is your skin tone averagely?
  5. How dark are your eyelashes and eyebrows?
  6. Which is the closest to your body shape? (EACH OF THESE IS PERFECTLY FINE.)
  7. How tall are you? (EACH OF THESE IS PERFECTLY FINE)
  8. What is your face shape?
  9. Do you wear glasses/hearing aids/anything else that may be genetic?
  10. Did you enjoy this? (No effect ^w^)

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