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- 8.4K
This is a great quiz to determine which Twilight Character you are most like, if you haven't decided that yet. If you haven't even read Twilight, who knows? …
- 6.4Kdo u really like him3.02rated: 3.02/5Promoted 16 years agotaken 6.4K times2 comments
this test is for all those girls who arent really sure if they really like there man.and to see if he is the one. hopful its because your shy that you got low …
- 7.1K
This quiz are for people who were raised in Newark! For those who remeber the good ole days when we wore Lee's and listened to Run-DMC, Slick Rick and Dougie …
- 2K
Hi welcome to the Jonas Brothers Quiz, now only a true Jonas Brothers fan will get a 100% so try to do your best and if you dont know them then please click the …
- 17.5K
Some people are so popular, they seem like celbrities. Alot of times, they copy a secepific Celebrity quality. Those are the people the regular kids who are …
- 5.5K
Ever wonder who your perfect jonas brother is? well take this quiz to find out! The Jonas Brothers are an American boy band from Wyckoff, New Jersey made up of …
- 5.8K
Take this quiz to find out how dangerous your life is. A person with a dangerous life does a lot of stupid things and things that can risk their life like …
- 2.3KHow modern is your life style?3.16rated: 3.16/5Promoted 16 years agotaken 2.3K times2 comments
Want to find out how modern you are? Take this quiz!!! Its fun. I don't think its very accurate. I had some mess ups when i was trying to change the effects on …
- 12.6K
Many people attempt to match up to the greatness of some of the greatest Warrior Cats villains. But most fail. The true test of evilness is here, with the …
- 21.8K
there are two types of spongebob squarepants fans. Type 1 are the proud true and blue spongebob fans, and type 2 are the posers. If you think you have what it …