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- 10.9K
There are many attractive young celebrities out there, but my favorite are Patrick Dempsey, Jim Sturgess, Heath Leger, …
- 66K
I was motivated to create this quiz when I saw others like this that lack alot of details in which can make a person hot or ugly. I've created a more genuine …
- 3.5K
There Are Many people who love chocolates. People would love butterfinger, or snickers, or reeses! Afterall, Chocolate is a classic pastry to everyone. whats …
- 16.5K
We all love cookies right? I sometimes roll around in my bed wondering what type of cookie I am. Just kidding, that would be kind of weird. Anyways if your that …
- 1.5K
Soup is a splendid foodstuff, yet it is often overlooked as a true companion for a happy life. Many's the traffic warden who felt they were just going through …
- 528UFS Personality Profile3.43rated: 3.43/5Promoted 16 years agotaken 528 times
We all love UFS, but there's different kinds of players. Spikes like to win, Timmy is all about casual play, Johnny is the combo man, and there are of course …
- 9.2K
"There are many racist people, but few true haters. Racism is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is Racism? Racism is someone who hates all that is not his or …
- 612How Well Do You Know Gamespot OT?3.27rated: 3.27/5Promoted 16 years agotaken 612 times3 comments
There are many people on Gamespot Off-Topic, but only a few of them know what it really means to be a true OTer. A true OTer knows his stuff. The question is, …
- 11.1K
Are you sat alone thinking; "Does he actually like me? Or am I an idiot?" Well this quiz should set your mind straight. Are you so unbelievably depressed …
- 53.1K
***READ THIS DISCRIPTION*** In order to get accurate results, please get a peice of paper and a pen. Write the numbers 1-5 vertically, and follow the …