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- 3.8K
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i made this quiz because im a phsic lol,no just cause i was bored but i hope you like it.please rate high and leave nice comments,thats all i ask also …
- 51.1K
Have you ever wondered what element you are most like, or would like to control? Fire, Water, Earth , and Air... all different, all unique. some naturally …
- 5.1K
Are you a princess? I think everyone is a princess because there are different kinds. Like the Diseney princesses are you Smart like Belle or a fighter like …
- 2.4K
Would you like to know what are the chances to become a lonely person? And also some indications of how to escape of loneliness and how your life is related to …
- 3.5K
There are millions of people,but verry few are ture flirts.A flirt is, afterall, quite sensational.What is a flirt?A flirt is some one who grabs your attention …
- 4.3K
u feel depresed cant live with ure self have cut or think about cutting ureself and think u ar emo well this is the quiz for u made by and emo kid himself …
- 3.6K
One way or another, were all weird, but can one truthfully be called weird? This quiz will deice if you are weird or just another boaring average, monkey say …
- 34.4K
There are many sicics,but few who can see your true colors.what is ora?ora is what is so deep not even you can tell what color it is.or mabey you can try right …
- 5.9K
There are many people in America who think they are fat.Like most anorexic people.People think they are skinny.This quiz will tell you.Just take this quiz. …