
This quiz is for people that have musically. No cheating or your expertise won't be accurate. Please share this quiz with your musically friends!!!!!!

I am a muser myself and these are not questions a muser should get wrong. There are a few tricky questions but if you know your stuff you should get it right.

Created by: Muser
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are people who use called?
  2. How do you go live?
  3. The questions are about to get harder.
  4. When was Flighthouse created?
  5. What do famous musers have to show they are famous.
  6. What muser does #CoffeeCrew Belong to?
  7. What is the best way to get a crown?
  8. Are there face filters on musically?
  9. Can you put a link to your Instagram in your bio?
  10. Do you have musically? (Does not affect your answer)

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