Meet your Children | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Meet your Children.
Meet your Children
Your Result: Meet Byron, Skye and JadenButter wouldn't melt in the mouths of your three angels. Eldest son Byron is already one of the smartest in his class and Jaden could be the cheekiest. 'Jay' uses all his extra energy to run circles around his peers on the soccer field and little Skye is his loudest cheerleader. Your children are lost without each other and will do anything to please you.
Your Result: Meet Luka and Belle
Well, here are your monsters Luka (short for Lucifer) and Belle (short for Jezebel). There is not much to say about your kids that you can't establish from the picture. Manipulative, intelligent, hungry, and a little bit evil, Bella and Luke have the whole world wrapped around their little fingers.
LOl cute :p but why do my kids sound evil?? :(
Your Result: Meet Rupert
Gentle and charming, your only son Rupert enjoys drawing, swimming, climbing trees and daydreaming in the sunshine. His closest friend is your pet cat, but as soon as he starts preschool his sweetness will attract all the little girls and he'll become best friends with all of them.
Meet Lily
I know you wanted more children but once you had Lily you realised nothing would ever top that mass of curls and lovable smile. She may look sweet, but Lily is a little monkey and loves nothing more than dressing in her dad's boots, mum's hats and grandma's underwear and then running through the sprinkler for the whole neighbourhood to see. When she grows up, Lily will be Cinderella...just ask her.
Just as I wanted
gaby4002 -
Your Result: Meet Cody
Only child Cody is full of charm and mischief. She is the child who will grow up believing in fairies and thinking icecream is a major food group. For now Cody is a lovable wild spirit with a 6yr old boyfriend and a passion for trailing mud through your house.
Keren2 -
lucy and the three others? i dont think thats accurate at all, come on i could raise them better than that. I have a lots of experience with kids. Ive taken care of my brothers since they were born, and ive taken care of two of my friends daughters. Besides i would make sure that i was a good roll model for them.
I got Rupert . . . . Dude, that's so me except I'm a girl and sometimes, when I stand up because i'm so tall, the guys freak out and run screaming away. Lol.
Yay...I gotta Rupert, but Hope he isn't rupert Grint, ew[no urls]
Nice, fantfab Quiz
Hands off, writer,
Hey, am I giving too much a baquets???Herwe1232 -
Lily. Nice. I wanted 3 kids.
Biance2 -
sounds like me:PAkansha11 -
this is stupid.
Sedderix1 -
luka and belle. my kids would not be like that ill discipline!!! although i like the name luka(not short for lucifer)
lalala11 -
I got:
Lucy, Ren, Ginger & Grace
and they're all supposed to be bad kids
OH NO! lol:) -
Cody. I love that name for a girl.
TC106E1 -
Who names a girl Cody?
Lily! ok Cute
gazzalou1 -
iv got one child for my result
shes Lily
:P -
I got Luka and Belle.
I'm not having kids. -_-*Tiny_Tim1 -
Oais, Tadeh, Lewellin and Olive
nice quiz... -
Rupert. xD Its a kool but funny name. :P
awww cody cute
lol i got rupert
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