hale4456's Profile

Joined on Dec 15, 2009
Status Level: Experienced
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hale4456's Quizzes
- name the song lyrics[published: Jan 16, 2011, 2 comments]
English:thank you for taking my quiz on the lyrics.I hope you like it.Yes I know German is hard but deal……
- 1 hour in heaven(my friends addition)[published: Jan 03, 2011, 3 comments]
HELLO people, want to see out of all of my friends who you get trapped in the closet with!……
- name the theme song[published: Dec 19, 2009, 2 comments]
there are many tv shows in the world but these you are quized on.packed with one different activity and lots……
hale4456's Recent Posts
"wooly-breathe carolina"
"i really find this awkward -_-"
"it says "Do not harass or insult other people. Treat others how you'd like to be treated""
"hahahah so right xD"
"haha and thats true xD"
"more like applesauce."
""remotely racist" remotely hurtful" you really like that word c:"
"OMFG DANNY! please, just please, stop."
"THIS KID I KNEW GOT BULLIED AND CALLED A SQUIRELL!WHEN WE WERE 10! and now. hes hot and amazing. bullies suck right? now stop picking on dan..."
"get it phoenix! xD"
hale4456's Recent Quiz Comments
"i got stabbed -__-"
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"this made no sense -__-"
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"i was born in november. not june"
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"i got 55%...is it because i didnt drick juice or make my bed today!!!????!???!!? !?!?!?!"
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"IM MONTE!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!"
1 -
"im already in the bvb army..."
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"im 86% skinny...ok?"
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