Kwami quiz (part 1)

Hello, quiz-taker! I hope you enjoy this quiz because it took 4EVA to make. Don’t forget to keep searching for Kwami Quiz (part 2)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, this is a personality quiz that took me forever to make, it determines what kwami out of the first 10 in the miracle box(Tikki to Roaar) you will get

Created by: Emma Kancian
  1. Hi. I hope you enjoy this quiz. (It’s my first one)😰
  2. I know EVERY QUIZ ASKS THIS, what’s your fav colour?
  3. Who is your fav character out of these 8?
  4. Fav food?
  5. Outside or inside?
  6. Fav animal
  7. Well all done
  8. Which emoji
  9. Eyes, ears, mouth, nose or hands?
  10. Hehe
  11. All done

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