What is the perfect kwami for you?

Welcome to this Miraculous Ladybug quiz! Today you will be finding out what kwami would be perfect for you! I hope you guys will enjoy this quiz! I love you all 🖤

You can get: Plagg, Tikki, Long, Twix, Wayzz, Pollen, Twix, Desu, and Nooroo. I hope you will enjoy this quiz! Follow me on instagram at chat_noir.xx by the way.

Created by: chat_noir.xx
  1. Which one of these traits fits you best:
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. You see someone being bullied, what do you do?
  4. What piece of jewelry appeals to you the most?
  5. What animal do you like the most here:
  6. You see a dead bat on the side of the road, what do you do?
  7. Are you a introvert or a extrovert?
  8. What colour is your hair?
  9. What do you do in yout spare time?
  10. Who do you want your kwami to be?

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