Is your Oc like my ocs?

This is just for fun! Don’t take it seriously and if you want, share it whit friend or in app medias! Idk what to say cz the page wants 150 letters aaaaaaa

Idk what to say because this thing wants 150 letters, I know, my ocs are original, PLEASE don’t copy and yes I used ai In some cuz I want to (I know how to draw but I’m just to lazy)

Created by: LuxPaint
  1. Is your oc a man or a woman? (This question is super important, so don’t lie!)
  2. How is the hair color of your Oc?
  3. Does your Oc work?
  4. Does your Oc have trauma?
  5. In a party, your Oc likes to
  6. What’s your Oc sexuality?
  7. cats or dogs? ( this question is important)
  8. How many friends does you Oc have?
  9. Where is your Oc from?
  10. And final question, they die?

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Quiz topic: Is my Oc like my ocs?

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