Which hometown friend are you?

Make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the others fold a circles round it has j end that’s how king I want to be your friend Make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the others fold a circles round it has j end that’s how king I want to be your friend

The quick brown doc jumped over the lazy dog The quick brown doc jumped over the lazy dog rneiwuwvwu ya y forwwisnsww eheehhenehwnebwbwjwwe yo yo yo yo go go gigi how is a

Created by: Anne smith
  1. what are u like when drunk?
  2. If the friend group was a family, what member would you be?
  3. How did you feel about high school?
  4. What is your drink of choice
  5. Use 3 words to describe your type:
  6. Which if the following do you find to be the most triggering?
  7. you friend group is experiencing some beef, what is your role in it?
  8. which kardashian are you most like?
  9. What does ur go to outfit look like
  10. It’s starting to get late and we have NOTHING to do tonight. What idea do you propose?
  11. True or false: I like to snuggle with my friends
  12. what is a personal flaw of yours?
  13. What’s a positive personal attribute of yours?
  14. It’s Friday night and we are at a function. What are u doing there:

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Quiz topic: Which hometown friend am I?
