How Gryffindor are you?

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Hello, hello! This is a quiz for those who are interested to know what percentage of Gryffindor is in them. Be honest, that’s the only way you can know yourself! Please give feedback and rate this quiz.

If you’d like, share it with your friends and PLEASE do not copy it and add it somewhere else, this is my original work. Thank you very much. Shall we start! Let’s go!(It’s not very long)

Created by: Anonymous
  1. First of all- what is your house?
  2. Your fav character: (be honest! You want to know what you truly are!) If none of yours are here, click ‘Second Round’ and get more answer choices there!
  3. Second round! If you voted for you fav character in the first round, click ‘First Round’.
  4. Your fav class
  5. You least fav class…?
  6. Do you…like anybody? In the meaning of ‘love’. (A tiny bit inappropriate)
  7. If yes, who do you like?
  8. Boy or girl
  9. Will you want this quiz to end?
  10. OK, most people said yes, so I’m gonna end it. Bye!

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Quiz topic: How Gryffindor am I?
