Identity crisest

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Hello!!!!! I am Sage wellcome to my quiz. I made this quiz for people that do not know if there a therian, furry, or just a human. This quiz will have some misspells.

I hope my quiz will help you figure out who you are I hope you like my quiz cuz i stayed up until 2:52 AM makeing it. BTW this quiz is not 100% cortect to to get a higher chanse of one plz thake this more than once.

Created by: Sage
  1. How's your day?
  2. Ok on to real questions. Do you have to have gear to be a therian?
  3. How long does it take to make a fursute
  4. Do you get to couse to be a therian?
  5. Do furry get to couse?
  6. How cool are you?
  7. What would you eat?
  8. Are you emo???
  9. Do you have friends?
  10. Can I be your friend?
  11. If no than skip. But thank youuuuuu
  12. Ok thank you for takeing my quiz. <3 buyyyy

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