Which Honors Class Will You Be Placed In At Sage Academy?

Dearest friend, you are in possession of magical abilities. You cannot hone your skills in a normal classroom. Come to Sage Academy and you’ll be placed in a class based on your magic.

Meet me at the old oak tree and follow me through the portal-hole. Bring your things and tell your family, as Sage is a dorm school with a dorm “house” for each magical category. Meet me tomorrow at 3 am. sharp! Yours, Headmistress of Sage Academy, Linda Nightslinger

Created by: Linda Nightslinger
  1. First things first, house arangements! What magic category to you belong to?
  2. Ok. You’ll be placed in that house in just a minute, but for now we need to evaluate you.
  3. The Sage Way to evaluate Flyers is thus: fly three feet off the floor, then land safely.
  4. The Sage Way to evaluate Flickers is thus: bring this candle towards you, then place it on the table.
  5. The Sage Way to evaluate Fluxers is thus: Flux into a black kitten, then flux back.
  6. The Sage Way to evaluate Flares is thus: light this candle and then blow it out.
  7. The Sage Way to evaluate Fuzzies is thus: ask the dog questions only we know the answers to.
  8. Fantastic. You did just wonderful. Now collect your card and wait outside.
  9. Ok, now the alumnies from each category are coming forth. Here, this is your uniform.
  10. Look at your card. What does it say?

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Quiz topic: Which Honors Class will I Be Placed In At Sage Academy?
